You’ll Find Out When You Answer These Questions!
Many artists inform me that they love the challenging exercises I offer them on this website. The list of questions you’ll find below is one of the examples. An important truth you can learn about yourself as a creative individual is how are you unique as an artist. This knowledge will help you develop your innate creative talents and vision. This should be a high-level priority on your list.

Trusting your own vision takes time, patience, and courage. Then, pursuing that unique perspective requires fortitude and confidence.
Artists like Matisse, co-founder of Fauvism certainly qualifies as an artist who found his own distinctive creative direction. Other artists, such as Kandinsky, known as “the father of abstraction”, challenged themselves to embark on their own paths.

To help you achieve that goal I suggest you take time answering the questions below. I hope you enjoy exploring yourself through the answers that spring to mind and the process uncovers many new powerful discoveries about yourself.
When you experience this form of self-examination you may gain more insight that will help you advance further on your journey as an artist.
The answers to these questions should also help you when you have to write your Artist’s Statement or apply for a career opportunity such as a grant, residency, or gallery representation.

Ask Yourself These Powerful Questions
* Is your art derivative of another well-known artist or have you developed your own authentic voice?
* What are the distinguishing characteristics of your art that is unlike any other?
* Are your images traditional but with a new adaptation?
* Does your art mirror our current society?
* Does your art embrace your unique cultural heritage and/or a fusion of more than one?
* Are you experimental with surprising elements?
* What materials and subjects of yours are most distinctive?
* Have you developed an exciting synthesis of artistic styles?
* Does your art have “ground-breaking” characteristics?
* How do you influence a viewer’s thoughts and emotions in new ways?
* Do you use your technical skills to venture into new territories?
* How do you transform ideas and inspirations into unique forms?
* How do you convey your personal vision and truth about reality?
* Do you offer the viewer fresh perspectives about the human experience?
* How do you demonstrate unique and innovative approaches?
* How do you transform the ordinary into the extraordinary?
* Do you teach us any new lessons through your creative outlook?

Trust your unique creative vision with a strong sense of confidence.
Do You Want Me to Write A Review About
How Your Art is Unique?
Check Out My Writing Services
One of my most rewarding services for artists is writing Art Reviews. Most artists who receive my written Art Review tell me the unique attributes I write about validate and clarify their intentions. Or they are pleasantly surprised to learn aspects about their art they were previously unaware of.
They often say that an Art Review serves as a powerful tool to help them write their Artist’s Statement. The Art Review is extremely beneficial for an artist’s art career including receiving a professional endorsement for increasing sales and other opportunities. Learn about my Writing Services for Artists.
Still learning from you. You give me my self convidence when I am in doubt about my art..
Lots to think about, I do what I do intuitively so these questions are great for me to think about how and why I create as I do. Thank you for the thought provoking questions 🙏🙂
Thank you Renee for the provoking questions. I will take time and look deep as I discover new ways to challenge the truths to appear.
Renee, your articles and exercises always appear when I need them the most. I took a long time answering your thought-provoking questions. Wow! They led to a lot more clarity and self-awareness. Thank you for challenging and inspiring us to reach our greatest potential. You are a blessing!
Joseph, thank you for your comment and kind words. I’m delighted to know that my articles are helping you with your art career. Thank you also for subscribing. There’s more to come! Wishing you creative bliss and much success, Renee