As an artist, it is extremely important for you to be aware of your health and safety. You should know about the materials you’re using to create your artwork and other physical conditions that may jeopardize your health. In this article I provide important ideas and resources to protect artists’ health and safety.

Look for Health Labeling on Art Materials
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) wrote the health labeling standard adopted into Federal Law based on toxicology reports so consumers can easily recognize materials that pose potential health risks. If there is ever a safety concern about any of the art materials you may purchase you should look for a health warning that is clearly printed on the label. It should say, “Health Label conforms to ASTM D-4236.”
Know the Culprits
As you know many of the materials and machines being used to make art can come with potential risks. A few of the dangerous culprits that may have volatile organic compounds include lacquers, thinners, aerosol sprays and inks. Also, ceramic clays contain silica dust and glazes can contain toxic metals. Look for healthier substitutions and reduce your risk for harmful effects.

Use Ventilation
Here’s an interesting fact: According to the recommendation of environmental hygienists, studio air should be changed ten times per hour. A solution to increasing air exchange can be attained by opening the windows and by inserting a fan in one window to blow the air out.
Important Books
There are several books available that educate artists about art materials. Here are some of the the most definitive resources and are available on
Health Hazards Manual for Artists by Michael McCann Ph.D. and Angela Babin
The Artist’s Handbook of Materials and Techniques by Ralph Mayer
The Painter’s Handbook by Mark Gottsegen
Artist Beware, The Hazards in Working with All Art and Craft Materials and the Precautions Every Artist and Craftsperson Should Take — both by Michael McCann PhD CIH
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Excellent article as usual—-—Renee——back from Lima, a great time!!! I’m excited about the forthcoming exhibition, Healing Power of Colour!!!! Keep up the awesome work——-best——poul
Thank You Poul! “The Healing Power of Color” exhibition will start April 7 and will include one of your paintings!
Thank you Renee for another helpful resourceful article and for all that you do for artists.
Renee, you might also want to share the good work being done by CERF+, which can be found at They offer safety and insurance information for artists and makers, and even have grants available for those in the craft mediums who need disaster assistance.
Thank you for your comment Carolyn. CERF+ is wonderful. I’ve mentioned CERF+ in these articles: Artists Health and Wellness Tips and Resources , Positive solutions for Art Career Problems, Money For Artists During Challenging Times