Excellent ideas to use during every stage of your art career! Whether you are an emerging artist, at mid-career level, or restarting your art career after a hiatus, are you looking for more ways to expand your art career credentials? If so, this article gives you 12 simple and enjoyable ways to add more credibility, increase buyers, enhance your reputation, expand your … [Read more...]
The Important Differences Between Your Artist’s Biography and Your Artist’s Statement and How to Write Them
On a daily basis I have the pleasure of visiting dozens of artists' websites, either as part of my curatorial process for a new exhibition or in preparation for my writing services when artists are seeking feedback about their art. Suffice to say, I have read a myriad of diverse examples of Artist's Biographies and Artist's Statements, ranging from excellent to those that are … [Read more...]
Follow the 5 Ps When Writing Your Artist’s Statement
For most artists I know writing their Artist's Statement can be extremely painful. This article offers you the basic important principles and makes it quick and easy for you. I encourage you to follow the 5 Ps when writing your artist's statement. If you want more useful information, I offer links to related articles at the end of this article. Here are the 5 "P" … [Read more...]
Your Words Have the Power to Sell More Art
The words you choose to speak and write about yourself and your art can be powerful tools to attract art buyers, quicker sales, generate publicity, and increase many more career opportunities. It is true: Your words have the power to sell more art. You can arouse a positive response in the reader or listener, propel them to make a decision, and take action. In this article … [Read more...]
Have You Ever Lost Your Creative Motivation? This Article Helps You Restore It!
It's amazing how often I get my best inspiration for solutions and articles from artists who share their problems with me. They help me become a better mentor. One of my clients confided that she lost her creative motivation and was feeling depressed. In a short period of time, with some suggestions and exercises, her passion was restored. Have you ever lost your creative … [Read more...]
What Is An Artist’s “Signature Style” and Why Is It Important?
In this article I answer what is an artist's "signature style" and why is is important? I hope to bring clarity to how you can determine what your "signature style" is and/or how to acquire one. When an artist asks me to write an Art Review about their art so they can use it for their promotion I view their art on their website. It's such a joy to immediately see their … [Read more...]
Create The Art Career of Your Dreams ~ 15 Guidelines
If you're been following me for any length of time you know that my passion, purpose and mission are to help you create the art career of your dreams. This article is one in a series of articles related to art career goals. You'll find advice I have given to coaching clients, guidelines I follow myself, and links to several other articles I've written so you can delve deeper … [Read more...]
Creative Ways to Energize Your Art Career
There are many creative and powerful exercises to help you energize your art career. In this article I offer four that I have used in my coaching program and workshops. I hope you try them alone or with your friends. After you do let me know what develops! 1. Create Your Fantasy Dream Day Whenever you feel like you have lost sight of the big dreams you once had this … [Read more...]
Simple Basic Writing Tips For Artists
Throughout your art career you will be faced with many writing projects -- from a simple post on social media to an in-depth artist's biography, artist's statement or grant proposal. To help you, this article "Simple Basic Writing Tips for Artists" provides important key guidelines. At least 75% of my professional time is spent providing writing for and about artists so … [Read more...]
What is An Artist’s Resume / CV and How to Prepare It
Here, on The Artrepreneur Coach blog you will find many articles and references to writing your Artist's Biography. However, this article is about writing an Artist's Résumé also referred to as a CV (Curriculum Vitae). I realize many artists may not know what they are or how valuable they are when promoting themselves. For example, when you approach galleries or apply for a … [Read more...]
The Truth About Fine Art Agents
Let's Dispel Some Myths and Make Way for New Options Every week at least one artist will ask me how and where they can find fine art agents. It is an important topic for most artists I know and rightly so. After all, having fine art agents who will sell your art work for you is like discovering manna from heaven. The truth is; however, there are many misconceptions … [Read more...]
Expressing Your Unique Creative Vision As An Artist
Artists are born with a compelling need to probe the depths of self-expression and proclaim self-liberation. The challenge that lies before them is no small task. Expressing your unique vision as an artist may be one of your biggest challenges. It demands that you explore your innate creativity, fight the demons, ignore the critical voices, discover your strengths, push them … [Read more...]
How to Write Your Short Artist’s Statement
Your average length Artist's Statement usually runs around 100-200 words. (Read "How to Write Your Artist's Statement"). After you've written that, it's a good exercise to pare it down for those times when you'll need to be very concise. If you've entered any of the online art exhibitions I've curated on the Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & … [Read more...]
Advice For Artists Who Suffer From Creativity Overload
Are you feeling overwhelmed by having too many creative ideas and projects going on at once? Do you have trouble deciding which style or medium is your strongest direction? Many artists I know face these challenges. Whenever I am asked to write an Art Review for an artist and visit their online portfolio I look for the artist's strengths and unique creative vision. I can often … [Read more...]
Find Several Highly Popular Articles for Artists
Have you ever wondered which are the most popular articles for artists that appear on this website? For the answer to this question I use a few tools. One, is a valuable plugin MonsterInsights for WordPress, which I highly recommend. This plugin provides a monthly report letting me know which articles have received the most traffic and from where they come. I also pay … [Read more...]
What Artists Need to Know About Galleries, Agents and Art Consultants
Selling your art depends on securing healthy relationships with art business professionals such as gallery owners, agents and art consultants. As you build these relationships it is important for you to make the best decisions based on your knowledge about the realities, misconceptions, and pitfalls. You want to know what to expect from them and how to protect your interests. … [Read more...]