As a professional artist, whether you are creating, writing or discussing your art or art movements and art history, it can be exciting when you dive into and expand your art vocabulary. There are thousands of terms that describe artistic styles and movements. To inspire you, here is a basic article that introduces the A, B, C of Fine Art terms. (There's also another article … [Read more...]
Take Your Art Career Dreams and Goals Higher With These 8 Steps
Creating art career goals can be adventurous, creative and rewarding. Every day you get another opportunity to delve into your deepest desires and formulate new ways to bring them to fruition. As a mentor for artists helping you achieve your creative, career and financial objectives is one of my favorite activities. In this article you'll find ways to increase your pleasure … [Read more...]
Being Taught Not To Fly – An Art Essay By Edward Rubin
A New York based writer, Edward Rubin's writings have appeared in many magazines such as Art & Antiques, ArtUS, dART International, Canadian Art, ArtNexus, Flash Art, Hispanic Outlook, and Sculpture, as well as foreign magazines and online venues such as He is an active member of the prestigious International Association of Art Critics (AICA). As a … [Read more...]
View Thousands of Exhibition Images on The Museum of Modern Art Website
A dream has come true for artists, art history enthusiasts, art students, scholars, collectors, and everyone interested in the development of modern and contemporary art from the perspective of one of the leading museums in the world. You are now able to view thousands of images on The Museum of Modern Art website at Yes, it's true! … [Read more...]