The art world is an exciting treasure trove with thousands of terms that describe artistic styles and movements. They educate and enlighten us and are essential when clarifying often complicated artistic concepts. For this article "The D, E, F of Fine Art Terms" I selected a few of them and share their origins and leading artists. Topics include Dada, De Stijl, Eco-Art, … [Read more...]
The Inner Dialogue that Transpires in Creating Art and Writing
As I was painting today, I became acutely aware of the presence of the inner dialogue that transpires in creating art and writing. It is fascinating how similarly these thought processes occur in both artistic expressions. Like writing, creating art is a language, a conversation we have within our minds and those relationships that occur among the forms, colors, and textures we … [Read more...]
Keeping An Open Mind About Artists and Art Movements
We all have our favorite artists that we rush to see whenever a museum or gallery exhibition opens that features their art or when an art blogger publishes a new article about them. Their art speaks to us with resounding clarity. We understand their techniques and embrace their philosophies. And, the opposite is true about our least favorite artists. We simply cannot relate to … [Read more...]