This question "Why do your art buyers and fans love your art?" may strike you as simplistic, surprising and embarrassing. My next question is, when was the last time you asked yourself that question? In my professional experience working with artists I've come to the conclusion that you may not be asking this question often enough, if at all. If that's true, you may be … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Confusing Your Potential Art Buyers
When visiting artists' websites I often discover many unintentional missteps. Many artists may not be aware of the negative impact they have on visitors. They wonder why their art isn't selling as well as it should be. If you want to increase your art sales one important art marketing step to consider is how to avoid confusing your potential art buyers. This article offers … [Read more...]
Start Here Before You Plan Your Art Exhibition
Your art exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to share your creative vision, sell your art, reconnect with your previous customers, meet new potential buyers, and begin connections and relationships. Needless to say, the exhibition or art event offers a multitude of benefits. It's time to open the doors and invite potential art buyers to view your art. You want to be prepared, … [Read more...]
Christina Peters Shares Her Experiences Working With Art Consultants
Christina Peters,, has been taking pictures since she was eight years old. After her second photography degree from Art Center College of Design in 1993, she became an award winning commercial food photographer for 26 years (see She states, "My personal work is celebrating the beauty of natural foods that come straight from the … [Read more...]
How to Use The “AIDA” Formula When Writing About Your Art and Increase Sales
If you thought this article "How to Use AIDA When Writing About Your Art" is about the Italian opera by Giuseppe Verdi, inspired by an Ethiopian princess, you're in for a surprise. Although you'll find references to the use of order and composition, as used in music, this article is about using the AIDA marketing formula to help you sell more art through your writing. Like … [Read more...]