Ober-Rae Starr Livingstone: Award-Winning Artist
Ober-Rae Starr Livingstone (ober-rae.com) is an accomplished artist who has been painting for over 40 years. His work can be found in private and corporate collections around the world and has been featured in art magazines. He has won top awards for his paintings including those from Manhattan Arts International which I had the pleasure of curating. When I learned that he joined the board of directors of The National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society (NOAPS) noaps.org I invited him to be interviewed. I am delighted that he agreed so I can share information about this wonderful organization that is located in Houston, Texas, and serves to help artists world-wide get recognition and much more. This interview is part of my ongoing series of articles devoted to non-profit art organizations. ~ Renée Phillips

RP: Ober-Rae, congratulations on your new position on the board of directors of NOAPS. What are your responsibilities and aims for the organization?
ORSL: As the new member of the Board of Directors responsible for the two International On-line Shows I hope to expand the participation by artists throughout the world. This will be done by finding ways to post ‘calls to artists’ in areas like Europe, Africa, South America, etc. NOAPS has already attracted a great deal of awareness and participation from artists in China through these shows. We are also interested in growing the participation of acrylic painters and I will be helping in that area in any way I can.
RP: What is the mission of NOAPS?
ORSL: NOAPS supports artists around the world in striving for artistic excellence by recognizing great art, enriching education, enhancing skills, challenging abilities and expanding marketing opportunities. Its focus is on providing an environment that inspires artists, evolves talent, and creates a venue in which to display artistic talent and nurture achievement and success while having fun. This international organization is a leader in contributing to and influencing artists in their pursuit of artistic distinction.

RP: Please provide a brief history about NOAPS.
ORSL: In 1990 national artists Rita Orr, Joseph Orr, Dennis T. Yates, and Pete Peterson, along with arts advocates William R. Mitchell, Martha Mitchell and Dr. Donald Ruthenburg, began planning a national exhibit that would focus on oil and acrylic media. A non-profit status was acquired and they were soon joined by Betty Fitzgerald, James Baumgartner, and Kenneth Gerardy. On March 12th 1991, the National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society was founded.
RP: What aspirations and goals does NOAPS have for 2018?
ORSL: In 2018 NOAPS plans on growing international participation through the growing popularity of its two International On-line Shows. We will also be reaching out to more artists throughout North America by sending out personal invitations to join our organization to several hundred artists. Plans in motion also include expanding our list of sponsors to enable us to offer more prizes in our two annual brick and mortar shows which take place in prominent galleries in North America.

RP: Ober-Rae, why do you believe organizations like NOAPS are essential to our society?
ORSL: Non-profit organizations like NOAPS, that encourage creative people to pursue their passion in the arts and provide opportunities for them to gain recognition and a following for their work, are becoming more essential during this time when governments seem intent on leading new generations away from the arts by cutting art funding in school curriculums. The Arts have always been, and will always be, an essential avenue of expression to overcome perceived differences and unite peoples all over the world in the desire to celebrate beauty and tell stories of the heart through images, movement, and sound. Stories that shine a light on the oneness of all people everywhere.
RP: What are some upcoming NOAPS exhibitions?
ORSL: Upcoming NOAPS exhibitions include: NOAPS 1st Best of America Small Painting National Juried Exhibition, opening May 4th at Richland Fine Art Gallery Nashville, TN; NOAPS Spring On-line International (currently accepting artists’ entries); NOAPS 28th Best of America National Juried Exhibition that opens Sept. 14th at the Eisele Gallery, Cincinnati OH; and the NOAPS Fall On-line International. Artists interested in applying for NOAPS exhibitions will find details on the NOAPS website.

RP: What is the criteria for artist membership?
ORSL: Artist membership is open to all artists worldwide who work in oil or acrylic media. At each of the two to three shows held annually at art galleries, NOAPS offers its members the opportunity to take a special workshop with a nationally recognized artist. Following opening night for these shows, member artists are invited to attend two days of painting demonstrations by nationally recognized artists.
RP: How can a business become a NOAPS sponsor?
ORSL: A business can become a NOAPS sponsor by contacting Debra Latham, the Director for Sponsors at debra@debralatham.com. Sponsors receive exposure to over 2,000 practicing artists from around the world who visit our website to enter NOAPS shows and exposure on the NOAPS Facebook page with over 7,000 followers plus weekly blogs and interview articles.
Visit Ober-Rae Starr Livingstone’s website ober-rae.com
Visit NOAPS website noaps.org
We are excited that NOAPS is growing.. I am now advisor after having been secretary for ten years. Sugbature artist, kF
As a board member of NOAPS, we were delighted when Ober-Rae came on board. He has been working very hard to grow our membership and artist’s participation in our shows.
I enjoyed being one of your artists “Artists helping Artists” who were interviewed, etc.I enjoy all your work.