Normally I write articles with advice for you about growing your art business; however, this morning I was inspired to publish this article about artists who are sharing positive messages. There are many of you who are communicating compassion and support for others during this difficult time. I’ve chosen three of you this week and I’ll be sharing a series of similar articles in the future, so feel free to write a positive comment below.
On the practical side, at the end of this article you’ll find links to a few of the many dozens of articles to help you achieve your art career potential. And, if you’re looking for something specific, use the search box on the top of the page.
Barbara Rachko “What I love…”

Barbara Rachko,, is an internationally exhibited American contemporary artist and author who divides her time between residences in New York City and Alexandria, VA. She is best known for her extraordinary revolutionizing pastel-on-sandpaper paintings that are inspired by Mexican and Guatemalan cultural objects. She is also widely recognized for her eBook, “From Pilot to Painter,” and her blog, “Barbara Rachko’s Colored Dust”,, which currently has 52,932 followers.
In her most recent blog post she answered the question, “What do you enjoy most about being an artist?” She replied, “There are so many things to enjoy! I make my own schedule, set my own tasks, and follow new interests wherever they may lead. I am curious about everything and am rarely bored. I continually push my pastel technique and strive to become a better artist. There is still so much to learn!” She added, “My relationship with collectors is another perk. I love to see pastel paintings hanging on collectors’ walls, especially when they’re newly installed and the owners are excited to take possession. This means that the piece has found a good home, that years of hard work have come full circle! And it’s often the start of a long friendship.”
On this website you can read Artist Barbara Rachko Maintains A Superior Art Blog.
Karen Johnston “Find what remains constant…”

Karen Johnston,, is an intuitive, abstract painter and instructor living in Nashville, Tennessee. She is a multiple award-winning artist who won a top Featured Artist Membership Award from The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. She also received the Barbara Markoff Special Recognition Art Award in Manhattan Arts International’s “The Healing Power of ART”.
Karen frequently posts her inspirational messages on Facebook that accompany her illuminating and peaceful paintings. She recently shared this good advice on Facebook: “Time to find what remains constant. Time for dreaming. Time for painting… the pink blooming trees, the vibrant green grass, the rain, the blue of the sky, the songs of the birds, the first day of Spring, the light… always the Light.”
Sue Gilbert: Susan Bird Artwork “Time to return to the quiet…”
Sue Gilbert, Susan Bird Artwork:Playful Art with Heart,, spreads positivity through her art. On her website you’ll see: “Our humble objective is to spread joy and laughter with our Playful Art with Heart. So if you smile when you see our work, or feel a softness in your chest, we count ourselves successful.” On Facebook she recently posted “Time to return to the quiet and peacefulness inside…. Rest, relax, breathe deeply. Carve out self-healing time. Lay your worry aside for a few precious moments every day.” She recently sent me an email saying, “Other good news is that we have enjoyed a lovely few days of sunshine in Seattle, so we have all been outside to soak it up. Good for the spirit!”
She reminds us there is so much goodness to be grateful for.
Recommended Reading
Artist’s Health and Wellness Tips and Resources
Online Resources for Artists to Expand Your Creative and Business Skills
Free Tools to Create Social Media Graphics to Promote Your Art
The Art of Gratitude and Giving through Creative Expression
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