If becoming a full-time artist is one of your objectives or insuring that you remain self-sufficient as one, we cannot ignore the topic of money. I’ve written many articles to make the process of building more financial security as simple as possible. In this article I introduce you to some of them. You’ll see that the articles will lead to more suggested reading with similar topics. So, sit back and relax and take notes as I guide you to increasing your money and enjoying yourself in the process.
You don’t need to get bogged down by tedium and mathematics. In these articles I provide inspiration in an easy to read format. And, if you scroll down you’ll learn about an article by artist Steve Barr in which he helps you with “Finding Funds to Do Great Things With Your Art”.
The titles of the articles will take you to them.
Read “How to Create Your Art Patron Plan”

If you’re an artist who has ever wondered, how you can sell many works of art before you even start creating them, you’ll love this article about how to create an Art Patron Plan. This works best if you enjoy creating a series of artwork on a specific subject or theme, you are good at meeting deadlines, and your priority is to gain loyal collectors and financial security. If this describes you, this article may be just what you need.
Read “How to Create Your Art Business Plan”
Are you serious about attaining prosperity with your own business? First, view yourself as the CEO of your own artistic enterprise. When you create your art business plan you’ll experience a sense of gratification, knowing you’re on your way to attaining your fullest potential. You’ll gain financial and personal power. And, this article simplifies the process.
Read “How I Helped An Artist Create A Prosperity Plan”
Catharine came to me for a a series of coaching sessions at the end of the calendar year. Her financial situation was a major concern. Her sales were very low and her husband told her he could only afford to give her $1,500 to spend on her art career for the entire next year. In this article I share how I helped her create a prosperity plan and begin a new sense of independence, confidence and self-esteem.
Read “Five Powerful Principles Used By Financially Successful Artists”
Some artists appear to be more lucky when it comes to financial success. The truth is, they may have some similar attributes which have less to do with luck and more to do with their efforts. In this article I address these traits and the five powerful principles that financially successful artists share.
Read “Ways For Artists to Make More Money”
Are you looking for ways to augment your art income but don’t want to take a 9 to 5 job? You’re not alone. Most artists have to find ways to supplement their income. The good news is there are many art-related ways for artists to make more money. This article makes some suggestions and will inspire you to come up with your own ideas.
Read “Resources for Funding Your Art Programs”

Perhaps you’ve considered launching an art program where you can apply your artistic talent and also serve a need. Artist Steve Barr offered to write an article to help other artists who have a desire to make a difference with their art. In this article he shares the ideas and resources that will save many artists time and effort. He learned a lot by doing and is happy to share with fellow artists. He calls it “Finding Funds to Do Great Things With Your Art”.
Steve is a professional cartoonist, author, and founder and director of Drawn To Help. This outstanding organization supplements existing art programs at hospitals, camps and treatment facilities around the United States. It arranges “celebrity” appearances by successful cartoonists and talented artists who want to improve children’s lives.
As he states, “I know that when I was just starting out and the hospital visits began to take over my whole life, I spent countless hours searching for funding opportunities. So, if this article can help someone else along on their journey, I’ll be tickled pink.”
Read “Money for Artists During Challenging Times”
If you are facing temporary losses or ongoing conditions that is threatening your security, you may find comfort in knowing there are organizations that offer safety nets for artists in need. In this article “Money For Artists During Challenging Times”, I provide several funding resources and plans of action.
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