In this article "How I Helped An Artist Create A Prosperity Plan" I share powerful action steps I gave to an artist which set her on the path to increasing her art sales and profits. With some simple self-empowerment exercises to perform daily she was able to change her attitude and she accomplished even more than her original expectations. For many artists the notion of … [Read more...]
How to Energize Your Art Career Now
No matter what day of the week or time of the year it may be, there is no better time to start thinking about revising and clarifying your art career goals than now. In this article you will find several of my best articles to inspire you, and light the flame of dreams, goals, and success. You’ll find a wide range of tips, strategies and guidance to help you propel your art … [Read more...]
Take Small Steps to Achieve Large Art Career Goals – 8 Guidelines
In my morning reading today, in reference to the topic of divine order and the miracles in nature, I was reminded that a tall and mighty oak tree starts out as a tiny acorn. Immediately I thought about my coaching clients and how we talk about their dreams and goals that seem so incredibly huge at first and almost unattainable. It's easy to become overwhelmed by "big" ideas. … [Read more...]
How to Get Out of Your Creative Inertia
Artists frequently ask me to evaluate their art work and write an art review. When looking at their overall body of work on their website I can immediately detect if they've been in a creative standstill. Sluggish energy and lack of sales can often be telltale signs that an artist is suffering from inertia. If you're there now or have ever been there, this article will show … [Read more...]
Create The Art Career of Your Dreams ~ 15 Guidelines
If you're been following me for any length of time you know that my passion, purpose and mission are to help you create the art career of your dreams. This article is one in a series of articles related to art career goals. You'll find advice I have given to coaching clients, guidelines I follow myself, and links to several other articles I've written so you can delve deeper … [Read more...]
Spring Into Action for Your Art Career Success
Spring has officially begun if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. Does this time of year energize you? You may feel motivated to clean up your life, career and physical surroundings. No matter what time of year it is now, if you want to maximize your career potential you came to the right page. It's a good idea to periodically examine what areas need most attention to … [Read more...]
Master Your Art Career Goals
In this article, I've selected excerpts from 11 of the many articles I've written that will help you master your art career goals, along with quick links to them. Some of the articles have links to more articles! Please save this page and visit often. And, when you need more, on this blog you'll find many articles on a range of topics to help you handle all aspects of your art … [Read more...]
8 Golden Keys for Art Career Success
As an artist career coach and mentor I am called upon to provide the best art marketing strategies tailored to each individual client’s creative, career and financial goals. My mission is to help artists attain art career success that fits their needs. After helping thousands of artists over the years I've learned there are certain "Golden Keys" to building a more rewarding … [Read more...]
Take Your Art Career Dreams and Goals Higher With These 8 Steps
Creating art career goals can be adventurous, creative and rewarding. Every day you get another opportunity to delve into your deepest desires and formulate new ways to bring them to fruition. As a mentor for artists helping you achieve your creative, career and financial objectives is one of my favorite activities. In this article you'll find ways to increase your pleasure … [Read more...]
How to Create Your Art Business Plan
It's Easier Than You May Think! Helping an artist create an art business plan is one of the most rewarding things to do as an art career mentor. I feel as though I am giving them a magic wand to ensure their career success. The idea of how to create your art business plan may seem intimidating at first. That's why I wrote this article to show you how the process can be … [Read more...]
16 Steps to Achieve Your Art Career Goals in 30 Days Spending 30 Minutes A Day
If you're like most artists I know you probably have a limited amount of time to spend working on your art career goals. If so, that shouldn’t deter you from embarking on the journey toward achieving your dreams. As a career coach for artists, and one who is extremely goal oriented when it comes to my own career, I’ve learned when you have a strong desire to manifest … [Read more...]
Helpful Art Business Facts For Every Professional Artist
Some of the most valuable allies you can use in your art career are the simple and straightforward facts that stand the test of time. However they often are the ones we forget so easily. Here are some helpful art business facts for every professional artist. They will serve you well throughout your art career. It’s never too late to integrate or focus on these empowering … [Read more...]
More Than 100 Tips and Resources for Artists to Achieve Art Career Success
Many artists have told me they love the articles I write that contain many strategies and quick tips available in a simple, step-by-step, easy to read format. In this article, I've selected a few of those particular articles all written to help you plan, formulate, organize and count your many ways to achieving art career success. And, there's more! Each article contains links … [Read more...]
Artists Share Their Goals and Aspirations
This article was published in 2019 and shares artists' aspirations for the year 2020. As an artist's mentor and career coach, one of my goals is to provide the most supportive environment, professional ideas and inspiration, and art career tools and strategies to help you achieve your art career goals. I also enjoy providing a forum where artists can share, motivate and … [Read more...]
Experience the Benefits of Learning As An Artist with “How To” Articles
This article offers several ways to increase your creative, career and financial growth and accomplish your goals. If you have a thirst for more knowledge but seeking step-by-step guidance you've come to the right place. I invite you to experience the benefits of learning as an artist with some of my "How To" articles. Each article has links to more articles so you can dig … [Read more...]
How to Deal With Change and Improve Your Art Career Success
If you have fears around the notion of having to change you're not alone. In an article in Psychology Today writer by Gustavo Razzetti reminds us, "We fear change because we can’t anticipate the outcome." As a career coach I've learned that having to change may be one of the most difficult challenges an artist can face and I've developed many ways to help them. In this … [Read more...]