Your art buyers are valuable assets. Whenever you make a sale, recognize it as the beginning of a long, rewarding relationship. According to the Pareto Principle, 20 percent of your clients will bring you 80 percent of your business. Don't ignore those 20 percent. They not only like your work already and don't have to be convinced, they can also refer more art buyers to you. … [Read more...]
How Email Marketing Can Lead to More Art Sales
I'm delighted to share this informative article about how email marketing can lead to more art sales by Corrina A. Thurston. She is a professional wildlife artist specializing in detailed, vibrant colored pencil drawings. The artist explains that she began drawing in 2010, two years after falling chronically ill and having to medically withdraw from college. She taught herself … [Read more...]
Plan For Your Holiday Art Sales Now With Email Marketing – 7 Steps
There are many people who are thinking about what to give as holiday gifts and other special occasions and your art work should be on their minds. This article who help you plan for your holiday art sales now with email marketing. Marketing experts agree more than 70% of the population prefer that businesses reach out to them by email. To help you generate robust art sales … [Read more...]
The Golden “Keys” to Attracting Art Buyers to Your Blog
When I suggest to an artist client they start an art blog or that they post more often, if they want to drive more traffic to their website and increase their art sales, the response is usually, “But, Renee, what should I write about? I’m not a writer.” I know that facing the blank page of a blog can be intimidating at first; however, an art blog is a powerful art marketing … [Read more...]
Selling Your Art to Corporations
Imagine your art on permanent display in a lobby or conference room of a corporation. Getting your art into corporate art collections is a big career boost. It brings money and prestige and builds your reputation. Many businesses today are recognized for their valuable art collections and are extremely influential in the world of art and business. In this article you’ll find … [Read more...]
Where to Find Art Buyers and Meet Collectors
Where and how to find art buyers requires a combination of knowledge, strategy and persistence. However, there is no need to be frustrated, confused or mystified about finding art buyers. This article provides 16 ways to find them. What Leo Castelli Taught Me I recall having the honor and privilege of interviewing the late Leo Castelli, foremost art dealer of the … [Read more...]