If you visit the hundreds of articles I've written for you on this website you'll probably find thousands of sales tips for artists. In the interest of saving you time I like to occasionally offer bite-size morsels of information with links to further reading. That way, you have the option to read either short or long articles that best suit your time schedule! Either way, … [Read more...]
What You Can Learn From Comments About Your Art on Social Media
It's a joy to help artists who want to increase their networking and art marketing skills using social media. There is tremendous value to gain from using it to build important professional art business relationships and connect with potential buyers, gallery owners and other professionals. This article is about what you can learn from comments about your art on social media … [Read more...]
Free Tools to Create Social Media Graphics to Promote Your Art
Have you noticed more artists are creating eye-catching social media graphics that are making an impact? Did you know that social media graphics get shared more often than regular texts and images? Do you think you need to have a graphic design degree to turn your art into instant graphics? Although designing was once a complex process that required a working knowledge of … [Read more...]
Twitter Tips for Artists
Twitter -- now known as X -- is a free social media platform. According to the most recent updates in 2023 it has 396.5 million users. Some recent statistics show that 63 percent of all Twitter users worldwide are between 35 and 65. It has become increasingly attractive as an alternative or complementary social media platform since Facebook started using the algorithm … [Read more...]