How our brain works is fascinating to me. For instance, the way we perceive the world is based on our beliefs — a collection of what we know on conscious and unconscious levels of awareness. Brain researchers have revealed that our every thought is a chemical reaction that passes through a channel composed of receptors and connectors that lead us to awareness. And, when a certain thought is repeated often enough, it forms a groove. Future thoughts automatically return to the familiar grooves in the brain.
We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music. ~ Albert Einstein
As these grooves deepen over time it takes greater effort to change those ways of thinking. Imagine the damage that’s created when we accept negative ideas that invade our conscious and unconscious awareness from individuals and the media. They can have a big impact on what we believe and consequently how we operate in the world. We can easily become hypnotized into a negative groove.
The good news is we all have free will to turn out the negativity and tune into positive thoughts. When those positive thoughts are repeated such as in meditation, prayer and affirmations we subsequently deepen the grooves to enhance our well-being.
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. ~ Albert Schweitzer
Gratitude Benefits the Heart and More

In addition to enhancing our mental condition through positive gratitude affirmations, there are actual heart benefits. According to Paul Mills, a professor of family medicine and public health at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, feeling grateful is a wonderful state of being as well as being helpful to the heart. So, these positive affirmations literally help the heart. And, having a positive mental attitude is an armor of protection from depression, stress and anxiety.
Gratitude is a feeling that exceeds beyond the common courtesy of saying thank you. It is a profound awareness of receiving the gifts of optimism, hope, blessings, divine inspiration — whatever you want to call it. Gratitude uplifts and energizes us and renews our perspective.
If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share. ~ W. Clement Stone
When you take the time to really feel gratitude, even for the challenges you face in life, you can become empowered to receive answers and solutions and to give more generously to others..
The art of appreciation for the abundance in every area of your life will attract more success in your art career as well. So, I invite you to consider saying positive gratitude affirmations daily and consider getting a positive affirmations buddy! Perhaps a fellow artist!
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. ~ Brian Tracy

One of My Remedies: Gratitude Affirmations
For a few decades I’ve been saying positive affirmations throughout the day and evening. I’ve learned the art of creating positive grooves in my brain. Here are some examples from an affirmation list I created. You might call it a form of positive brain washing.
♥ I am grateful for being alive today.
♥ I am grateful for my healthy mind, body and positive spirit.
♥ I am grateful for the love and light within me and surrounding me.
♥ I am grateful for my creativity and passion for being in a continuous state of joyful self-expression.
♥ I am grateful for the abundance of all that’s good in every area of my life.
♥ I am grateful for the inspiration I see in art, nature and in other individuals everywhere.
♥ I am grateful for my loving relationships with family and friends that grow stronger daily.
♥ I am grateful for the many selfless individuals who strive for peace on earth and who serve humanity.
As I say these affirmations I send positive thoughts and healing energy to those I know who need it most and everyone on the planet who may be facing difficult challenges — physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
When I state these affirmations I am propelled to take positive action steps to be more thoughtful, caring, empathetic and generous and to reach my maximum potential.
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. ~ Albert Einstein
Gratitude Journal
Every evening before bedtime, I write in my “gratitude journal” the many events that occurred throughout the day that I’m grateful for. This prepares me for a restful night’s sleep and eliminates any negativity or stress that may have accumulated during the day.
Thank you for visiting my website and following my articles. I am very grateful to you for sharing this positive artful journey with you!
Thank you for all you do! I enjoyed this article. I write down the thoughts I want, then I record them and listen back. I publish them as a podcast called, Declarations for Intentional Neural Pathways. I have noticed benefits. I’ve listened to power thoughts many times from Louise Hay, And have surrounded myself with positive ideas for quite some time. Early in my life I decided to turn away from negative ideas and made a point to do that. This practice I took on recently has been helpful in a unique way. I playback these powerful thoughts and I hear my own voice saying positive ideas. It’s very helpful when I’m searching for positive ideas to come to my head and I just press play then here they come. I’m hopeful that I am wearing paths and creating grooves for positive thoughts. I’m hopeful that positive thoughts come easiest. I continue to work at it.
This is a wonderful article and affirmative of the importance of thinking positively. I have found that making a piece of art daily is a way to create that “groove” of positive feelings and it really works! I teach college level art and it can sometimes be draining to give so much to the students. I am so attuned to the positive vibes that if I only even make a couple of changes to a work in progress it is enough to rekindle a wave of positivity! Thanks for all you do Renee!
Hi Susan, I appreciate your kind words and sharing your wisdom. Thank you for teaching art!
Thank you for sharing this perspective. As an artist working full time at my craft – it’s easy to see the daily obsticals that need to be overcome to get a show done, get the framing ordered, work with that collector – or even be ticked that the whole summer has been filled with forest fire smoke – keeping me and others inside the 4 walls of a house rather than out seeing the sunset or painting a field.
Rather – I need to be grateful for my house, be thinking of the brave firefighters and ranchers out battling in the smoke and heat every day. Yes, producing quality work is hard, wonderful work – but I am thankful every day that I get to go in my studio and make a mess creating every day! Being grateful more and more opens up new opportunities as galleries and stores want to work with positive people/artists who do everything they can to make the gallery owner’s job easier. They need to hear from us that we are grateful for them!