On a daily basis I have the pleasure of visiting dozens of artists' websites, either as part of my curatorial process for a new exhibition or in preparation for my writing services when artists are seeking feedback about their art. Suffice to say, I have read a myriad of diverse examples of Artist's Biographies and Artist's Statements, ranging from excellent to those that are … [Read more...]
Take Small Steps to Achieve Large Art Career Goals – 8 Guidelines
In my morning reading today, in reference to the topic of divine order and the miracles in nature, I was reminded that a tall and mighty oak tree starts out as a tiny acorn. Immediately I thought about my coaching clients and how we talk about their dreams and goals that seem so incredibly huge at first and almost unattainable. It's easy to become overwhelmed by "big" ideas. … [Read more...]
How to Close the Sale with a Potential Art Buyer
If you're like most artists the experience of trying to sell your art in person can be extremely uncomfortable. What you may not realize is the potential buyer may also be uncomfortable. So, consider approaching the situation with the intention of trying to be as helpful as possible. You will want to lead the customer to make a decision that is best for them. This article is … [Read more...]
How Artists Can Develop Satisfied Art Buyers and Increase Art Sales
After you concentrate on creating the best art you possibly can you can then think about how to attract buyers to your art, and sell more of it. This article is about how artists can develop satisfied art buyers and increase art sales. If you make a habit of putting these simple steps into practice you'll be sure to attract more art buyers, and grow your professional success … [Read more...]
Many Time-Saving Tips for Busy Artists
You'd rather spend more time in your studio than get distracted doing other things, right? In all of my roles as an artist career mentor, writer, author, and director/curator of Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, one of my greatest satisfactions is helping artists to be as productive as possible, without feeling overwhelmed. Realizing … [Read more...]
It’s A Good Time for Artful Spring Cleaning
No matter what season it is, now it's a good time for artful spring cleaning. Physical and emotional clutter and debris can cloud the creative mind. In this article I suggest some of the areas that may need your attention to declutter, reorganize, and downsize. You may want to evaluate how much useless stuff is in your cabinets, computer, art studio and your life. When your … [Read more...]
Why Do Your Art Buyers and Fans Love Your Art?
This question "Why do your art buyers and fans love your art?" may strike you as simplistic, surprising and embarrassing. My next question is, when was the last time you asked yourself that question? In my professional experience working with artists I've come to the conclusion that you may not be asking this question often enough, if at all. If that's true, you may be … [Read more...]
Find Several Highly Popular Articles for Artists
Have you ever wondered which are the most popular articles for artists that appear on this website? For the answer to this question I use a few tools. One, is a valuable plugin MonsterInsights for WordPress, which I highly recommend. This plugin provides a monthly report letting me know which articles have received the most traffic and from where they come. I also pay … [Read more...]
What Artists Need to Know About Galleries, Agents and Art Consultants
Selling your art depends on securing healthy relationships with art business professionals such as gallery owners, agents and art consultants. As you build these relationships it is important for you to make the best decisions based on your knowledge about the realities, misconceptions, and pitfalls. You want to know what to expect from them and how to protect your interests. … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Confusing Your Potential Art Buyers
When visiting artists' websites I often discover many unintentional missteps. Many artists may not be aware of the negative impact they have on visitors. They wonder why their art isn't selling as well as it should be. If you want to increase your art sales one important art marketing step to consider is how to avoid confusing your potential art buyers. This article offers … [Read more...]
How to Prepare For Your Next Successful Art Exhibition
Your next art exhibition may be organized by a sponsor who will do all the preparation and promotional work or you may have decided to share the responsibilities. Maybe you have decided to organize your own art exhibition or plan to have an "Open Studio" event. Whatever your situation, this article “How to Prepare Your Next Successful Art Exhibition” is a great place to start … [Read more...]
Is Your Art Website Hurting Your Visitors and Also Your Art Career?
Routinely I must visit hundreds of artists' websites each week while judging/curating an exhibition, considering accepting a new client, or giving a consultation. My initial reactions range from "WOW" -- what a joy to view this wonderful website -- to "OW" this hurts me to see that the artist is harming themselves and their art career. As you read this article please take an … [Read more...]
Helpful Art Business Facts For Every Professional Artist
Some of the most valuable allies you can use in your art career are the simple and straightforward facts that stand the test of time. However they often are the ones we forget so easily. Here are some helpful art business facts for every professional artist. They will serve you well throughout your art career. It’s never too late to integrate or focus on these empowering … [Read more...]
Problems With Free Art and Discount Prices
An artist recently told me she tripled the number of subscribers she had after she offered a free print when they signed up. Now, she has a list of people who like receiving free art. What she doesn't know is if any of them are serious art buyers or simply bargain hunters. Another artist told me she discounted her older works of art and advertised the sale on social media. … [Read more...]
Make Positive Changes in Your Art Career
This article began with the intentions of creating a short inspirational message to motivate you to make positive changes in your art career. Suddenly, as if it was propelled by its own volition, the article grew as new thoughts came to mind. Here you will find inspiration, information, and resources to help you meet new challenges and empower and grow your art career and … [Read more...]
Three Mistakes that Can Lead An Artist to Financial Disaster
Let's face it, art school didn't prepare you for the financial challenges you're facing throughout your art career. So, you may not know which pitfalls to avoid that threaten many artists' financial security. In this article I share three mistakes that can lead an artist to financial disaster and share some good advice as well as links to more articles I've written to help you … [Read more...]