At a cocktail party in NYC I was engaged in a conversation with two Manhattan real estate brokers who sell cooperative apartments in the high million-dollar range. When discussing the best ways to obtain the sale of a property over a competitor one broker confidently stated, “It’s simple, really. It’s about earning their trust.”
We all smiled and nodded in agreement.

Those five simple words “It’s about earning their trust” carry enormous truth and power. When selling your art you may want to make them part of your art business mantra.
You take time and effort to create the best art you can, design a professional website and provide information about your career history and artist’s statement. You create a presence in social media and in person in your locale art community. These things alone will not guarantee that buyers will come to you, buy from you, and remain loyal collectors. It’s about earning their trust.
Are You a Trustworthy Artist?
How do you earn the trust from potential buyers of your art? Here’s how…
* Reassure the buyer they are making the right choice for them, regarding their tastes, desires and needs
* Certify and guarantee that you use high quality materials and creative methods
* Explain what differences, if any, to expect between the photo reproduction on your website and the original seen in person
* Show them that your actions match your words
* Demonstrate your willingness to be open for discussion
* Offer them options within their budget
* Assure them you will make sure they receive the artwork when promised
* Convince them they are receiving the best value for the price
* Backup the claim that your business is legitimate and run according to ethical standards
* Authenticate your payment process is safe and easy to use
* Satisfy their need to receive a reply in a timely manner to any questions or requests they have
* Provide proof of consistency in your professional relationships and career growth
* Share testimonials from previous customers (Read “Add A Praise Page on Your Art Website”)
Earning the trust of your customer takes desire, commitment and patience. As in all relationships, there are a variety of ways you can prove to others that you are trustworthy. It begins with how you communicate in words and actions that you are a person of integrity and responsibility, who follows a code of ethics. Trust is earned as you demonstrate these attributes on a consistent basis without compromise.
What actions do you take now to prove you are a trustworthy artist? What steps can you take to reassure them on a consistent basis?
You may also want to read
How Smart Artists Treat Their Art Buyers
Where to Find Art Buyers and Meet Collectors
Questions Art Buyers Might Ask themselves Before They Decide to Buy Your Art
Hi Rene,
Great article.
I am a Canadian artist. I list my prices in Canadian dollars.
I am curious about how to price my work for overseas or US galleries/ collectors.
Galleries in the US and abroad want work listed in their currency: GBP or USD for example.
Currently I am using whatever the daily rate of exchange is.
Should I apply a fixed rate of exchange that I determine and keep fixed?
Many thanks.
Hi Leon,
Thank you for your comment and question. Stating that you use the daily rate of exchange is a good idea. You may also find this article helpful “How to Price Your Art”. Wishing you many future sales in both Canada and the U.S.
Great post, Renee.
Totally agree with the wisdom of replying quickly. I might also add…
-Don’t nickel and dime – deliver the work at, or even better, a touch under your quote.
-Be meticulous with paperwork, proofread, proofread.
-Take full responsibility for, and make good on, mistakes if you’ve made them
-Be helpful after the sale with any art-related questions they might have, even if it’s not about your art
Excellent additions Christopher, Thank you!