Imagine that you’re meeting someone who has purchased a new house. They may feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable being in an empty space, no matter what size it is. There are so many decisions to make as they stare at the sterile blank walls. They have to navigate the myriad shades of wall paint colors on the market. They may feel intimidated by what they read in the leading interior design magazines and the annual trends forecast by color experts.
Now, imagine how you can be tremendously helpful to them. In this article you can find out how you can sell your art to new home owners, help them solve their problems, and give them the home of their dreams.
Have you ever thought of yourself as someone who can enhance other people’s lives with your art and also provide valuable services? Think about how many home owners need your help as an artist to guide them and narrow down the possibilities. As an artist you have a vast amount of knowledge and natural instincts to offer.
In interior design, art is most often treated as one of the last steps, viewed as an accessory. Why is that? Let’s imagine it’s the other way around. Let the art provide the inspiration for everything else!
Throw Away the Paint Chips and Start With the Art!
When you meet a potential art buyer who is in this situation, instead of sending them away and telling them to return when they make other decisions, advise them to throw away the paint chips and interior design magazines. Instead, encourage them to trust their own judgment and tastes. Suggest that they spend time viewing your artwork and you can offer some guidance.

Ask them these questions about your artwork:
* Which works of art do you love the most?
* What colors, subjects and shapes make you happiest?
* How do you feel when you imagine yourself living with them?
* What picture do you want to wake up to every day?
* What kind of art do you want to greet you when you return after a long, hard day at work?
* What images will help you feel cam and relaxed… motivated and energized…?
* Which works of art match your personality the best?
Focus on helping them make their empty house become their dream home. Encourage them to rely on their personal tastes and help them feel a sense of well-being. Reassure them, once they choose the art, how these pieces can be the source of inspiration for the rest of their color palette and décor.
Complete the Design & Furnishing Experience

After your customer has purchased the works of art you created that they love the most, you can advise them further. Suggest that they pick out two or three shades that attract them the most. One color can serve as the dominant color with a few additional shades as accent colors.
When they shop for the furniture, carpet and everything else they can the works of art they bought from you as their design map. The colors, shapes, textures and moods they love in the art can also serve as inspirations for the style of furniture and fabric textures.
With the aid of technology the art buyer can take pictures of their rooms with your artwork and use an app on their mobile device for a quick and easy way to visualize the wall color and more in real time.
Share A Valuable Service and Memorable Experience
Sure, your customer could hire an interior designer for this daunting project. That professional could take them to countless show rooms, sit down with them and show them color swatches and vision boards. However, you can offer them an enjoyable alternative. By starting with selling them your art you can simplify their situation. You can minimize their task of having to confront many different confusing steps. You, as an artist, can provide a valuable service.
While you’re increasing your art sales, you’re doing much more. You’re helping someone solve their problems and share a memorable experience with a new collector who will be grateful to you for improving their lives.
I really love the advice in this article.
At shows, I do come across people just moving into a new home, so I will see if i can remember to ask them those questions!
Thank you.
Very good ideas and very reasonable also, as an architect I believe that is a better approach to interior designing putting what is most important at the center of the work,
thank you Renee