This question "Why do your art buyers and fans love your art?" may strike you as simplistic, surprising and embarrassing. My next question is, when was the last time you asked yourself that question? In my professional experience working with artists I've come to the conclusion that you may not be asking this question often enough, if at all. If that's true, you may be … [Read more...]
Add A Praise Page to Your Art Website
What It Is, The Benefits, How to How to Choose What "Praise" to Use, and More Creating your art website is a big project with many integrated pieces including your Artist's Statement, Artist's Biography, Gallery / Portfolio, and Contact pages. It may also contain an "in situ" or installation page and your CV. If you’re really ambitious you may add an Art Blog and a Shop to the … [Read more...]
Simple Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Art Website
Are you wondering why your sales and opportunities aren't as high as you would like? The problem may not be your art. It may be as simple as having a website that appears unattractive and functions poorly. No matter how many visitors you have if your website is unprofessional large numbers of potential art buyers and art agents/galleries may lose respect and interest. There … [Read more...]
Simple Ideas to Sell More Art
Sometimes art marketing activities can be difficult and time-consuming. Simple ideas for increasing sales will help you spend more quality time creating art. In this article you'll find ways that I know have worked for many artists and art dealers I know. I hope you try some of my suggestions. As usual, you'll find many links to more articles to read on the different … [Read more...]
The Many Powerful Benefits of Online Art Exhibitions for Artists
It’s difficult to imagine a time prior to the arrival of the Internet and the proliferation of online art galleries. The only option an artist had to share their art with the public was through Open Studios and exhibitions in galleries and other public venues. Now, artists have the potential of having thousands of art enthusiasts and art buyers viewing their artwork on a global … [Read more...]
How to Improve Your Art Website Visitor’s Experience
When was the last time you visited your own website from an objective perspective as though you were discovering it for the first time? What was the experience like? One of the easiest ways to increase art sales and other art career opportunities is to take some time making improvements to your art website. Your goal should be to offer the best experience for your visitors and … [Read more...]
Facebook Tips for Artists
Many artist clients have asked me to help them with their social media including how to increase their Facebook Friends. So, I put together some Facebook tips for artists with simple actions you can take. Although it's written with Facebook in mind you can apply most of these tips for Instagram, Twitter and other social media sites. If you apply only one new tip from this … [Read more...]
Are You Throwing Away Your Artistic Freedom?
You may feel very strongly about having freedom of expression when it comes to creating your art. You would never place handcuffs on yourself before walking into your art studio or impede your creative growth in any way. However, when it comes to other areas of your art career, are you equally diligent and protective about your independence? Are you throwing away your artistic … [Read more...]
Most Popular Art Career Success Articles For Artists
On this website you'll find several dozen articles and interviews on a variety of topics to help artists achieve their fullest potential. There are some topics that stand out as getting the most visits, being the most popular, and receive the most positive feedback from my subscribers. Here, you'll find highlights and links to some of the top art success articles on this … [Read more...]
Is Your Art Website Hurting Your Visitors and Also Your Art Career?
Routinely I must visit hundreds of artists' websites each week while judging/curating an exhibition, considering accepting a new client, or giving a consultation. My initial reactions range from "WOW" -- what a joy to view this wonderful website -- to "OW" this hurts me to see that the artist is harming themselves and their art career. As you read this article please take an … [Read more...]
Problems With Free Art and Discount Prices
An artist recently told me she tripled the number of subscribers she had after she offered a free print when they signed up. Now, she has a list of people who like receiving free art. What she doesn't know is if any of them are serious art buyers or simply bargain hunters. Another artist told me she discounted her older works of art and advertised the sale on social media. … [Read more...]
Sell Your Art To Interior Designers and Corporate Art Consultants
Professional Organizations and More Resources with Thousands of Leads You can expand your art sales by selling your art to interior designers and corporate art consultants. They are art professionals who have residential and corporate clients. Interior designers and corporate art consultants work with talented emerging and established artists in all media. The first step … [Read more...]
Here Are Many Key Principles, Tips and Strategies to Achieve Success As An Artist
Here are several very popular and valuable articles designed to guide you on your successful art career. In each one you'll find many key principles, tips and strategies to take you step-by-step through the process. Several of the articles have links to even more resourceful articles. You may want to save this page and return often. 10 Ways to Avoid Art Career Sabotage You … [Read more...]
The Many Benefits of Cross-Promotion For Artists
When I was a professional artist a major collector of mine, who was a floral designer with a retail store on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, prominently displayed my garden paintings in his store window. The endorsement and exposure he gave me was priceless. He referred art buyers to my studio a few blocks away. To reciprocate, I distributed his business cards to my friends, … [Read more...]
What You Can Learn From Comments About Your Art on Social Media
It's a joy to help artists who want to increase their networking and art marketing skills using social media. There is tremendous value to gain from using it to build important professional art business relationships and connect with potential buyers, gallery owners and other professionals. This article is about what you can learn from comments about your art on social media … [Read more...]
Top Tips For Creating a Successful Artist Email Newsletter by Michelle Endersby
Michelle Endersby is an artist who lives Bonbeach Victoria, Australia. Her stylized portraits of roses on round canvases represent her return to wholeness after awakening from a coma following brain surgery. For her "Awakening Around Roses" she has received several Awards of Excellence from Manhattan Arts International juried competitions which I have juried/curated. Michelle's … [Read more...]