Spring has officially begun if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. Does this time of year energize you? You may feel motivated to clean up your life, career and physical surroundings. No matter what time of year it is now, if you want to maximize your career potential you came to the right page. It's a good idea to periodically examine what areas need most attention to … [Read more...]
Add A Praise Page to Your Art Website
What It Is, The Benefits, How to How to Choose What "Praise" to Use, and More Creating your art website is a big project with many integrated pieces including your Artist's Statement, Artist's Biography, Gallery / Portfolio, and Contact pages. It may also contain an "in situ" or installation page and your CV. If you’re really ambitious you may add an Art Blog and a Shop to the … [Read more...]
Simple Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Art Website
Are you wondering why your sales and opportunities aren't as high as you would like? The problem may not be your art. It may be as simple as having a website that appears unattractive and functions poorly. No matter how many visitors you have if your website is unprofessional large numbers of potential art buyers and art agents/galleries may lose respect and interest. There … [Read more...]
How to Improve Your Art Website Visitor’s Experience
When was the last time you visited your own website from an objective perspective as though you were discovering it for the first time? What was the experience like? One of the easiest ways to increase art sales and other art career opportunities is to take some time making improvements to your art website. Your goal should be to offer the best experience for your visitors and … [Read more...]
Experience the Benefits of Learning As An Artist with “How To” Articles
This article offers several ways to increase your creative, career and financial growth and accomplish your goals. If you have a thirst for more knowledge but seeking step-by-step guidance you've come to the right place. I invite you to experience the benefits of learning as an artist with some of my "How To" articles. Each article has links to more articles so you can dig … [Read more...]
How to Get Started With Your New Art Website
As as a curator for online exhibitions at Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS we require that artists have their own websites. Why? Because like most art professionals I believe every artist who wants to be taken seriously needs one. Prospective art buyers expect artists to have a platform where they can view more of their art and read … [Read more...]
Create An F.A.Q. Page on Your Art Website
You've probably noticed I've written a lot about how to improve your art website -- from mistakes to avoid when creating your art website, how to improve your visitors' experience, and how to create an in situ page and your praise page. This article is about another important page to help you advance your art career. It will help you with deciding what questions to answer when … [Read more...]
Ways to Place Installation Images of Your Art on Your Website to Increase Sales
One of the most important pages on your website to engage visitors and increase their interest in buying your art is to show images of your art as it looks installed in rooms. Call this page "Room Views" or "Installations", also referred to as "In Situ" images of your art. Place them on your website to increase art sales. This article offers examples and ways you can create … [Read more...]
Tools For Maintaining Your Art Website
If you're following my articles you know how important it is to have a modern and updated art website. It is your 24/7 portfolio to the world. But, it also requires maintenance. If you can afford to hire a website developer to update it for you that's ideal. If you can't, and are neglecting this important step, you're making a big mistake. What can you do? In this article I … [Read more...]
What Does Your Artist’s Picture Say About You?
You spend money, time and effort designing your art website, place a bold image of your art on your home page and prepare an outstanding display of gallery images, artist's biography and artist’s statement. Well done! There is something equally important to consider: What does your artist's picture say about you on your art website and your social media profile page? How … [Read more...]
Does Your Art Website Pass This Test?
Are you upset that you aren’t receiving as many exhibitions, subscribers, sales, commissions, students and clients as you would like? If not, your art website may be at fault. In this article I offer a questionnaire that will help you evaluate the performance of your art website. The questions are based on the most frequent mistakes I see on artists’ websites. You … [Read more...]