If you don’t have an art blog you may be missing out on valuable income and career recognition. In this article I provide 12 reasons why you should consider launching or maintaining an art blog.
Do you want to attract more visitors to your website, sell more art, gain more recognition, and generally increase your career opportunities? Of course you do! Well, one way to accomplish this is to integrate an art blog into your marketing plan.
Being an active art blogger will produce many rewards. And, it’s easier than you think to create and maintain an art blog.

An Art Blog Is An Important Art Marketing and Promotional Tool!
1. You will increase traffic to your website
Having an art blog, especially one that exists on your website, is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your gallery and portfolio pages. Especially if you compose your blog using the right keywords.
You know that SEO is important and if you want to rank well on Google you need to continue to produce fresh content. Consistent updating of content on the art blog will activate the search engine spiders that go out and grab information to share with the world. Blogging will maximize traffic flow and raise your SEO (search engine optimization) and SERP (search engine results page). The main component of the SERP is the listing of results that are returned by the search engine in response to a keyword query.
2. Your visitors will stay longer and return often
Your art blog invites prospective buyers into your world where they can learn more about you and what you’ve been doing lately. As you share your art in progress, creative ideas, and announce your upcoming events, visitors will remain on your site longer and visit more often.
Your art blog will turn people into loyal followers. That means the more likely they will be interested in buying or exhibiting your artwork or reach out to you for more information. That’s the secret to building a coterie of followers and fans.
3. You will attract more professional relationships
Your art blog will generate the interest of other art professionals. If written and promoted properly they will comment and share your posts, and serve as your promoters. Your art blog will attract others who share your artistic vision, style, medium and point of view. As a result your community will grow in leaps and bounds. These online relationships will grow into offline relationships and collaborative ventures.
4. You will generate sales and additional income
70% of customers say that blogs influence what they buy, according to leading marketing polls. Your art blog is the perfect platform to generate additional income. When you share your knowledge about your style and medium it will increase sales of your art work and increase its value.
You can share videos on your art blog to demonstrate your techniques and works in progress. If you teach art, this will help you attract more students to your classes and workshops.
You can use your art blog to sell other merchandise such as prints, art book, and DVDs.
5. You will expand your creative vision
The regular routine of sitting down and reflecting on your artistic progress and evolution will help you understand more about yourself and will clarify your creative vision. This will be of tremendous benefit for you and your artistic growth.
As you write about your artistic perspective you will improve your verbal skills when you are asked to talk about your art work.
6. You will be known as an expert in your field
As you share your knowledge and wisdom you’ll gain a reputation in your field. The more you write about your work and related topics on your art blog, the more you will be perceived as an expert in your chosen niche, genre or market.
When you build momentum you may easily become the “go to” person, be asked to exhibit or present talks on the subject of your art.
7. You will gain traction in social media
Let’s face it: Social media posts are short, incomplete and fleeting. But a blog post lets you go into more depth and show more images. Your followers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networking sites will visit your art blog and share your posts with their friends and followers. Your followers will grow and the number of quality inbound links will also increase, which drives more traffic to your website.
8. You will attract publicity and increase your reputation.
Writers are always seeking valuable information to share, experts to quote, and creative individuals to write about. We rely on blog posts for ideas. When you maintain an active blog and share your creative inspiration, biography, upcoming exhibitions, and more, you will be feeding writers with topics for them to write about.
Your art blog content will attract interviews and opportunities to be a guest blogger on other websites and blogs.
9. You will become a person of influence and positive change
As an active art blogger you can express what matters most to you. You will communicate and share your creative passion, techniques, opinions, thoughts and values. As you send your writing out into the world you will have the opportunity to influence others in a positive way.
Your art blog can be powerful and rewarding platform that carries huge potential to alter minds, invigorate change and inspire others.
10. You will create valuable content for other uses
Your art blog content will provide topics of interest for your Email Newsletters. You will attract more subscribers. Before long you will have accumulated a lot of valuable information on subjects about which you have knowledge and expertise.
You can turn the articles you post on your art blog easily into an art book, e-book, e-course or talk.
11. You will save money on self-promotion
For the small amount of time and effort it takes to post an article and some images on your art blog there are few activities that offer the same benefits. You can instantaneously share and promote your art and creative vision with the world.
A well maintained and regularly updated art blog is one of the best, most affordable means of marketing.
12. You will acquire more knowledge
When you choose the subject for each post on your art blog you will challenge yourself to probe more deeply into the subject.
For example, suppose you are writing about your paintings inspired by your travels to France. You could augment your article with tidbits of information of interest to Francophiles — such as quotations by French artists and philosophers, and information about French history, travel, and culture.
Here’s a New One!
Your blog post could get picked up by a recognized publication!
An artist I was coaching was timid about writing an art blog; however, she accepted my advice and took the initiative. With practice, she gained experience and confidence. She recently told me that an article she wrote about the creative benefits of travel was picked up by a leading magazine. You can imagine how thrilled I was to learn the news! She wrote: “Thank you for your advice to start writing blogs. I would never have done this without your encouragement.”
Incredible article! Thank you for sharing with us!
Good morning Miss Renee
I want to make my own blog so that I can sell my arts, I don’t know how to open a blog, help me please. I don’t have even a website page so I want to have one.
Thanks, that’s what I plan to do and I’m thrilled to have the creative freedom to write about any art related topic according to my vision!
Dear Melissande,
You’re welcome. I hope you also offer an English version of your blog in addition to French on your website so we can read it.
Best regards,
Hi Caroline, you are very welcome! Bravo for making the commitment to work on your blog and I wish you much success with it. I promise, it does get easier once you get into a routine. Ideas will start flowing and you’ll enjoy the momentum and feedback from your followers. Good luck!
P.S. #12 resonates with me too. I live to learn and love to share what I learn! The process provides endless fulfillment. 🙂
This is a timely article for me – and very encouraging. Thankyou for sharing. One aspect of writing a blog that I am enjoying is the research so point 12 resonated with me too.
This is an excellent article and really makes me glad that I spend time on my blog.
Excellent article Renee, especially point number 12 . I now understand more fully the impact that a well maintained blog can have. Thank you for sharing your insights.