A tagline is short phrase that describes your art as a distinctive, unique and inimitable presence. The best kind of tagline is one that sends an immediate message, captures your target customer’s interest, and is etched in their memories long after they met you and viewed your art. According to Entrepreneur.com, a
imparts positive feelings to the customer. It also sets you apart from all other artists.Most artists use a default phrase such as “Contemporary Oil Paintings” or refer to their identity as “Figurative Sculptor”. There’s nothing wrong with those words; however, they are as very general and ordinary. These phrases don’t help the artist stand out from all other artists as the unique creative individuals they are.
How to Create Your Unique Description
Your unique description usually follows your name on your website and on your business cards.
Choose a title that is authentic, short and descriptive. Give it the same amount of attention as you give to choosing the titles of individual works of art, a series, and the titles of your one-person exhibitions. It is also a tool that accompanies your artist’s statement.
Choose a tagline that resonates with you and your passion for creating the work you do. Express your identity with a sense of confidence and commitment.
Here are examples of artists who have chosen accurate and memorable taglines for their art.
Barbara Brown “Artist of the Forest”
Fallen Cedar/Rising Dragon, oil on canvas, 12″ x 16″.
Barbara Brown (barbarabrownart.com) is an artist, author and forest-walker, from the wilds of British Columbia, Canada. For over 20 years, she has had a daily practice of walking in the forest where she lives, and her intimate knowledge of this forest is evident in her work. She combines her deep connection to the natural world with her mission to bring the beauty and wonder of the forest to others. She is masterful at depicting the depths of the forest, which draws the viewer into the painting. Barbara is known as “Artist of the Forest” and uses that tagline to attract our attention on her website and in social media.
Peter Van Giesen “Capturing Nature’s Eternal Aura”
Peter N. Van Giesen (peternvangiesen.com) creates colorful and dramatic paintings. He states, “I reach into the fabric of the world to explore the dynamics of tension and elasticity, creating images based on the interplay between darkness and light, to capture the interconnected aura of the natural world. He refers to his art as “Capturing Nature’s Eternal Aura”. The painting above is titled “Natural High Tofino”. Peter N. Van Giesen adds, “Creating art, for me, is a mystical process.”
Roopa Dudley’s “Chess Themed Paintings”

Roopa Dudley (roopadudley.com) is known as an “American Chess Painter” whose paintings are referred to as “Chess Themed Paintings”. Her engaging paintings incorporate chess pieces and saturated colors that provoke the senses and challenge the intellect. The artist explains, “I am obsessed with the concept of Time – the past, the present and the future to me coexist in all my Chess Themed paintings making them timeless gravitating towards Steampunk style yet retaining Epicurean quality.” She carries the tagline through to social media and you’ll find her on Facebook as Roopa Dudley — The Chess Painter.
Valerie Patterson “ART To Start The Conversation”
Valerie Patterson, (valeriepatterson.com), is widely recognized for her “ART To Start The Conversation” because her focus is creating watercolor paintings that conveys powerful social and political messages. They are often controversial and always inspire thought and dialogue. The tagline is so important that her book carries the same title.
She explains, “Once I realized the tremendous power that images can have to make people comfortable or uncomfortable, happy or sad, settled or unsettled, I knew I had a voice. I decided to use my voice to encourage people to see, think and feel. Awareness replaces ignorance and opens up the possibility of change.”
Frantisek Strouhal “Art Embracing Awareness”

At once, when you view Frantisek Strouhal’s art, and read the words “Art Embracing Awareness” you know immediately his art comes a deep spiritual connection. You expect a visual journey where you will connect to a different level of consciousness.
With his consistent message Frantisek (frantisekstrouhal.com) explains, “My imagery is meant to serve as an oasis of tranquility, permanence and strength and to capture and highlight what is fundamental to our being and society”.
I hope this article gets you thinking about your own tagline and promotional identity!
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Thank you Renee for including me in this wonderfully useful and encouraging article on Branding and how artists can benefit. My tagline, “Capturing Nature’s Eternal Aura”. describes my sense of the connected stories of the world we live in: my emotions, my spirit, my thoughts, my memories, my relationships all wrapped together in that descriptive statement which continues to resonate with new and continuing art collectors. The process of writing my tagline included deeply listening to other as they interacted with my artwork. It is amazingly affirming when people quote it back to me in conversation or written comment when experiencing my artworks.
Now this is something, I had wondered about as far as a website sub-title in the meta tags. I thought about it, but never did it. I think I will have to get busy on this! Thank you. Wonderful advice.
The tag line I’ve started using is:
“Art from my heart with love and gratitude”
I began this part of my art journey following two heart attacks and open heart surgery. This tag line speaks of how I feel creating and sharing my art. I’m not sure it touches into the spiritual component of my work. I’m not sure how to say it, though it comes through in the images I create.
My “go to” tag line: is “Creating Poetry on Canvas” then I read later this was a quote by Matisse? I did not realize.
Point is: taking the emotional response to 2d art visually. A story for the viewer to interpret.
Love your site, re-doing my web…My name is too common and very hard to find on line. Working on it.
Sorry I missed New Beginnings. Next time.
Holiday Cheer.
Both my tag line: “Grate Works of Art,” website: grateworks.com, and my e-mail: grateworks(at)aol.com are catchy references to my art theme based on manhole covers, grates and drains.
“Grate Wishes,”
Bobbi Mastrangelo
Hi Bobbi,
You have one of the best tag lines ever — one that I will never forget!
All the best,