This article began with the intentions of creating a short inspirational message to motivate you to make positive changes in your art career. Suddenly, as if it was propelled by its own volition, the article grew as new thoughts came to mind. Here you will find inspiration, information, and resources to help you meet new challenges and empower and grow your art career and achieve your creative, career and financial goals.

Although I’m writing this in the beginning of a new year, any time during the year is a good time to reflect on the year past. You may begin by asking yourself such questions as…
* What actions did I take that worked best?
* What changes do I need to make in my perspective?
* What didn’t work and needs to be replaced or eliminated?
* What change can I make in my daily routine to improve my art career?
* Where can I find ways to increase financial support and income?
* What steps can I take to solve some challenging issues I now have?
* What will I do differently in the year ahead?
* What do I need help with and where can I get it?
Instead of letting the answers swirl around in your mind, write the answers in your journal and refer to them often. They will help you achieve clarity and provide some direction. Decide what you need to do to build what is currently working as well as what you need to stop doing and where you can get the help you need.
Articles I’ve Written to Help You Make Positive Changes
How to Deal With Change and Improve Your Art Career Successs
If you have fears around the notion of having to change you’re not alone. According to experts in psychology we fear change because we can’t anticipate the outcome. There are different types of change you may experience as an artist that range from making slight alterations to major transformations. Changing your style is a lot different than launching your career as a full-time artist. Adapting to new art materials is not the same as having to learn skills in technology and social media. As a career coach I’ve learned that having to change may be one of the most difficult challenges an artist can face and I’ve developed many ways to help them. In this article I share how to deal with change and improve your art career success and achieve rewards.
Successful Artists Who Encourage You to Never Give Up
There’s nothing like getting the support of fellow artists when you have fears of making changes. For this article “Advice from Artists Who Encourage You To “Never Give Up!” I collected advice from artists who encourage you to “Never Give Up!” from a post on Facebook. You’ll also find motivational words from three prominent artists JoAnne Carson, Nancy Reyner and Nancy Staub Laughlin from in-depth interviews on this website. You’ll read comments from several artists who offered advice in answer to a question I posted on Facebook.
10 Time-Saving Tips for Busy Artists
Managing time may be the area where making changes can be invaluable. How can you save time in important and necessary but time-consuming areas so you can maximize your time for creative progress? This article shows you how.
How to Create Your Art Business Plan
Changes in your art career can be greatly benefited from devising a new Art Business Plan. The idea of how to create your art business plan may seem intimidating at first. However, when you create your art business plan you’ll experience a sense of gratification, knowing you’re on your way to attaining your fullest potential. You’ll gain financial and personal power. In this article you’ll see how the process can be approached step-by-step.
Financial Support ~ Many Articles Related to Getting Financial Assistance
Making positive changes may require financial support. On this website, you’ll find several articles about artists and money. This article is a good place to start: Funding Resources and Grants For Individual Artists includes six organizations that exist to provide artists with funding in the U.S. You’ll also find in this article a link to an informative video to learn how to write a grant proposal and how the grant giving process operates.
More Articles About Getting Financial Help and Increasing Income
Ways For Artists to Make More Money
Money For Artists During Challenging Times
10 of The Best Sales Tips for Artists
How to Create An Art Patron Plan
Ways to Ensure Ongoing Future Art Sales
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