In this article, I’ve selected excerpts from 11 of the many articles I’ve written that will help you master your art career goals, along with quick links to them. Some of the articles have links to more articles! Please save this page and visit often. And, when you need more, on this blog you’ll find many articles on a range of topics to help you handle all aspects of your art career. Simply type any key words in the search box where it says “search the site”. Also, please let me know if you have any questions for me to consider for future articles.

1. Follow Simple Steps
Attaining your goals does not require a masters degree in business or career management. It only requires a few simple steps taken on a consistent basis. Since I realize you probably have a limited amount of time to spend working on your art career goals I’ve written 16 Steps to Achieve Your Art Career Goals in 30 Days to guide you through the process. Try them and let me know how it works for you. 16-steps-to-achieve-your-art-career-goals-in-30-days
2. Have Fun
I want you to have fun and feel a sense of adventure and satisfaction when you’re creating your art career goals So, in this article you’ll find ways to increase your pleasure while you plan your dreams and goals. It includes some exercises I’ve given with successful results to many of my coaching clients and in my group workshops! Have fun as you read How to Enjoy Your Art Career Dreams and Goals how-to-enjoy-your-art-career-dreams-and-goals

3. Avoid Self-Sabotage
You can have the best art on the planet, but unless you apply positive and proactive beliefs and action steps you may not achieve your career goals. Many of the obstacles we face can be attributed to our own self-sabotaging behavior. So, here are 10 Ways to Avoid Art Career Sabotage 10-ways-to-avoid-art-career-sabotage
4. Design Your Successful Future
We all do our best when we have a road map, a plan of action and can visualize our outcome. That’s why we need an Art Business Plan. However, the idea of creating your art business plan may seem intimidating at first. No problem! In this article you’ll see how the process can be approached step-by-step. Here’s the link to How to Create Your Art Business Plan create-your-art-business-plan
5. Become A Full-Time Artist
When Lisa approached me for art marketing advice and a series of coaching sessions, her primary goal was to become a full-time artist. Do you want to know how I helped her achieve this goal? Read How I Helped Lisa Become A Full-Time Artist successful-art-marketing-plan
6. Achieve Prosperity
Financial goals must be in the picture if you want to be a full-time artist, right? But, where do you start, and what really works? Well, if you’ve ever wondered why some artists are financially more successful than others, I’ve learned they apply what I call the 5 powerful principles. With most of us, it begins with choosing a financial goal that triggers a high level of excitement that will propel us forward now as well as carry us over the long haul. Learn more about why this is important and the 5 Principles Used by Financially Successful Artists 5-powerful-principles-used-by-successful-artists

7. Nurture Yourself
As you pursue your career goals, it’s essential for you to take good care of yourself and nurture your inner artist. If you’re a sensitive, creative person who is good at fulfilling other people’s needs and forget to pay attention to our own, in time you may become less creative and lose confidence and motivation. It’s not healthy to neglect your personal needs. Here are 12 Ways to Nurture Your Inner Artist 12-ways-to-nurture-your-inner-artist
8. Handle Rejection
One thing you can be sure of, as you make strides to advance your professional status, rejection will tap on your door periodically as a test of your convictions. Sometimes the higher you set the bar, the harder the fall. Rejection may cause you excruciating pain and remorse. It may even temporarily cause creative paralysis. How do you handle rejection so it doesn’t take you off track and prevent you from going forward? Save the link to How to Handle Rejection As An Artist how-to-handle-rejection-as-an-artist for whenever the time arises when you’ll need to get back on track.
9. Empower Yourself
If you’ve hit a bump in the road, I’m here to help you get back on track. This article is about empowering your art career goals and may be just what you need for a dose of inspiration and help you manage your goals for best results. empowering-your-art-career-goals

10. Strive to Manage Your Precious Time
Time management is one of the biggest challenges for creative individuals and one of the most important ones to master. If you are seeking some ideas to help you manage time better you’ll love this article in which I offer 10 time-saving tips for busy artists. Time-Saving Tips for Busy Artists
11. Enjoy Your Maturity
If you’re getting started later in life or feeling as though the art world is only for the young, this article A Positive Future For Maturing Artists a-positive-future-for-maturing-artists may be the perfect solution to change your entire perspective about getting older. I’ve also created a 3 minute video on the subject to lift your mood. The music has also been selected to energize you while you read the quotes, tips, and resources. You’ll find it on my YouTube channel.
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