Professional Organizations and More Resources with Thousands of Leads
You can expand your art sales by selling your art to interior designers and corporate art consultants. They are art professionals who have residential and corporate clients. Interior designers and corporate art consultants work with talented emerging and established artists in all media.
The first step to building these financially rewarding relationships is to find out how to reach them. This article provides the names of professional organizations and other resources with thousands of leads to help you. Visit their websites to learn more about them and you’ll discover a wealth of more helpful information.
About Interior Designers and Corporate Art Consultants
Interior designers and corporate and residential art consultants are professionals that provide art for corporations, nonprofits and individuals. Their budgets can range from small to large. They are always seeking art for their clients in a range of mediums such as paintings, works on paper, sculpture, ceramics, glass, textiles/tapestries/wall hangings, photography, mixed-media, new media and more. Some professionals in these groups also specialize in serving the hospitality and healthcare industry, which is why I include those resources in this article.
American Society of Interior Designers
The American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) is a community of people in the U.S. — designers, industry representatives, educators and students — committed to interior design. On its website you’ll find 50 pages of interior designers with a description of their specialties and their locations. Click the box “Find A Designer” and you’ll find 50 pages of interior designers.
Go here:

American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers
Art consultants in the healthcare industry play an important role. Their mission is usually to provide comprehensive services that deliver customized evidence-based art solutions which help create life-affirming, restorative and nurturing healing environments.
The American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers is a membership organization of Certified Healthcare Interior Designers who are considered to be qualified “to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of patients, residents, and staff in hospitals, clinics, and residential care facilities.”
Visit its website:
Houzz – 200,000 Leads
Houzz is a website and online community about architecture, interior design and decorating, landscape design and home improvement. The Houzz platform and mobile apps feature photos, articles, product recommendations, and a user forum. Houzz was founded in 2009 and is based in Palo Alto, California. Currently, there are reportedly more than 200,000 interior designers and decorators on this website. Each listing comes with detailed information about the designer, the services they provide and how many comments they’ve received. You can even follow them on social media.
Here is its website:
Interior Design Society
The Interior Design Society (IDS) is an independent U.S. organization comprised of more than 2,000 members. One of the country’s largest design organizations dedicated to serving the residential interior design industry, IDS embraces four core values including professionalism, community, influence and growth.
Find an interior designer by name or location on its website:
More Resources
Interior Design Media
This is the global, industry-leading design publication, website and events company serving the interior design, architectural and facility management audiences.
Here is their website:
Healthcare Design Magazine: Art in Design – An online magazine
Check Out My Writing Services For Artists
Hello. I was given a list of area interior design firms in the hope that I can connect with them to sell my nature prints. When approaching a large firm with many designers, project managers, etc, whom should I seek out and send my query letter to?
Thank you for any information that you can share. I was given the list by the area small business development group.
You may not remember me but In 1996 I came to you for advice ( I believe you had a home office on the upper Eastside of Manhattan) then, I entered a contest of yours, for my efforts I received an Award of Excellence. Since then I was painting from then until 2005. In that time I produced a solo show, sold a few pieces but my career in Art never really got off the ground and I had to work a regular job to make ends meet, that all stopped in 2007, now, after 16 years since I last painted and after life’s ups and downs, tragedies and triumphs, I began painting again. I am still adding to the site but I am currently working from home in North Carolina, painting again and balancing the business and creative sides of Fine Art. Just wanted to thank you for that spark of hope with the contest.
Dear Ms. Zulma, Yes, I do remember you! Thank you for visiting my website and your comment. I’m so delighted that you are painting again after years of ups and downs. You are a shining example of fortitude and resilience and your art reflects that. Wishing you many more years of creative bliss. Thank you for your kind words. I hope my articles continue to inspire you and help you continue to achieve your fullest potential. By the way, Manhattan Arts International has recently announced its call for women artists for an online exhibition “HerStory”. Take a look at the details here:
Thank you for helping artists. We all need that. Sometimes I feel lost trying to promote my art.
Hi Raysa, You’re welcome! I understand how daunting the business of being an artist can be at times. If you ever feel lost, please visit this website and subscribe to my free weekly email newsletter. I visited your website and discovered your beautiful abstract paintings. I like the display of your art in rooms. I recommend you create an additional and separate page in your “Portfolio” section that shows images only of your paintings. Best wishes, Renee
The information you provide Renee is priceless. I don’t know anyone else in this industry that gives to artists information that you cannot find anywhere else. I know people who have been professional artists for over 40 years and would not find what you provide in valuable articles like on being able to reach out to interior designers, art consultants and people in the healthcare industry. Thank you for having the heart and passion for artists trying to make it in this field!
Thank you Len! You are very kind. I wish you tremendous success in reaching out to new professionals to share your powerful NYC inspired paintings with the world. You have a style all your own and I have enjoyed including your art in exhibitions over the years.
Yes, indeed many of us haven’t learned processes successful for sales until shared by Renee Phillips with Health Care and Interior Design.
Thank you, Renee.
Thank you Susan for your compliment! Wishing you a steady flow of increasing sales. 🙂
This is a definitely an important article for me.
Thank you for the informative post. I am beginning to approach the corporate art world, and an architectural firm has approached me about giclees for a project. Are there any resources on where to begin my pricing?
Caroline, there are articles about pricing on this website: and many more if you use Google. In the future we’ll continue this discussion of selling your art to interior designers and corporate art consultants.
How much of a discount do art consultants expect when buying directly from the artist’s studio? When doing a commission I can name my price, but for an existing artwork, will I be expected to lower my prices by a specific percentage?
Constance, the pricing situation and commission structure will vary depending upon the consultant.
Thank you for sharing this valuable information. I live in south Africa and i plan on selling my art . I have gone to the jouzz website and there i found a couple of interior designer who may be interested in my work. The big question is how do I approach them . I tried sending letters on thier emails haven’t received a response yet. Please help
Bernardad, my suggestion is to keep exploring outlets that you think are suitable for your artwork. You should also consider creating a website so they can see your portfolio. Whenever you contact a new professional remember that they are busy with their business and they probably receive dozens more email letters from artists every day who are interested in selling their artwork. I’ve learned that being patient, persistent and realistic is helpful when trying to build relationships. Read Follow the Laws of Nature to Grow Art Career Relationships. I wish you success.
Thank you so much for sharing all this information! Marketing is a full-time occupation!
Hi Ziegler Michael, yes marketing your art can be a time stealer, but there are ways to maximize your efforts. Read my articlesTime Saving Tips for Busy Artists and More Time Saving Tips for Busy Artists. You can accomplish a lot by just spending a few hours a week with a good system, goals and priorities. Wishing you creative bliss, Renee
Thank you, I’ve been building up my body of work in preparation for my marketing campaign, and this article is a valuable resource..
A very informative list of interior designers for fine artists. Thank you!
Great article full of helpful information.
Great article! Thanks for the helpful information.
Great article! i’ve been gradually making inroads with a number interior designers in the u.k. with some of the silkscreen work I produce. Most of which is of an abstract nature, very much inspired by sound which provides lots of scope to experiment with colour and various print techniques that i’ve developed. Its been a really good way of not only selling work but also getting lots of exposure. ………