As a writer and curator I visit dozens of artist’s websites every day. In my coaching consultations I help artists achieve their art career goals. We often begin with a discussion about how they write about themselves, their careers, and their greatest attributes and achievements. Unfortunately, I notice many artists don't know how to write a correct Artist's Biography in … [Read more...]
Fun Techniques to Help You Write Your Artist’s Statement
If you're like most artists writing your artist's statement is one of those projects that you dread even more than root canal. Having helped thousands of artists over the years tackle this job I was delighted to come across two fun techniques to help you write your artist's statement. These tools, "freewriting" and "mind-mapping", are powerful brainstorming strategies used by … [Read more...]
Spring Into Action for Your Art Career Success
Spring has officially begun if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. Does this time of year energize you? You may feel motivated to clean up your life, career and physical surroundings. No matter what time of year it is now, if you want to maximize your career potential you came to the right page. It's a good idea to periodically examine what areas need most attention to … [Read more...]
Harmful Beliefs That Can Prevent Art Career Success and Many Ways to Overcome Them
We all possess an arsenal of certain types of assumptions, habits and excuses that prevent us from achieving our fullest potential. In this article I point to several beliefs that can harm you and prevent you from achieving art career success. You'll find many ways to overcome them. If you identify with any of the disempowering beliefs listed below you can go immediately to the … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Avoid Art Career Sabotage
You can have the best art on the planet, but unless you apply positive and proactive beliefs and action steps you may not achieve your career goals. Many of the obstacles we face can be attributed to our own self-sabotaging behavior. So, here are 10 ways to avoid art career sabotage. Every one of the 10 points ends with a link to a related article where you can dive into the … [Read more...]
How Helping Others Led to A Rewarding Art Career
One of the many guiding principles that has helped me in my life and career was from Booker T. Washington (1856-1915), a prominent American educator, author, orator, and advisor to U.S. presidents. He stated, “If you want to lift yourself up, lift someone else.” You're One Question Away From A Powerful Life-Changing Experience When I arrived in New York City with very … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Ensure Ongoing Future Art Sales
Your art buyers are valuable assets. Whenever you make a sale, recognize it as the beginning of a long, rewarding relationship. According to the Pareto Principle, 20 percent of your clients will bring you 80 percent of your business. Don't ignore those 20 percent. They not only like your work already and don't have to be convinced, they can also refer more art buyers to you. … [Read more...]
Master Your Art Career Goals
In this article, I've selected excerpts from 11 of the many articles I've written that will help you master your art career goals, along with quick links to them. Some of the articles have links to more articles! Please save this page and visit often. And, when you need more, on this blog you'll find many articles on a range of topics to help you handle all aspects of your art … [Read more...]
More Than 140 Simple and Powerful Ideas to Achieve Your Art Career Success
In this article "More Than 140 Simple and Powerful Ideas to Achieve Your Art Career Success" you'll find a wide range of popular articles I've written to choose from that offer you easy to follow, step-by-step guidelines. There are many topics for you, from increasing your art sales, planning and achieving your art career goals, writing your artist's biography and artist's … [Read more...]
8 Golden Keys for Art Career Success
As an artist career coach and mentor I am called upon to provide the best art marketing strategies tailored to each individual client’s creative, career and financial goals. My mission is to help artists attain art career success that fits their needs. After helping thousands of artists over the years I've learned there are certain "Golden Keys" to building a more rewarding … [Read more...]
Take Your Art Career Dreams and Goals Higher With These 8 Steps
Creating art career goals can be adventurous, creative and rewarding. Every day you get another opportunity to delve into your deepest desires and formulate new ways to bring them to fruition. As a mentor for artists helping you achieve your creative, career and financial objectives is one of my favorite activities. In this article you'll find ways to increase your pleasure … [Read more...]
What to Do When You Receive Publicity As An Artist – 15 Steps to Take
15 Important Steps to Take Immediately After Learning You Are in an Article, Received an Award, Were Selected for an Exhibition or Other Good News When you receive any form of publicity as an artist, whether it is a feature in a magazine, exhibition catalogue, get selected for an online exhibition, or been featured in a video, it is the perfect time to get your art marketing … [Read more...]
How to Write Your Short Artist’s Statement
Your average length Artist's Statement usually runs around 100-200 words. (Read "How to Write Your Artist's Statement"). After you've written that, it's a good exercise to pare it down for those times when you'll need to be very concise. If you've entered any of the online art exhibitions I've curated on the Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & … [Read more...]
How to Create Your Art Business Plan
It's Easier Than You May Think! Helping an artist create an art business plan is one of the most rewarding things to do as an art career mentor. I feel as though I am giving them a magic wand to ensure their career success. The idea of how to create your art business plan may seem intimidating at first. That's why I wrote this article to show you how the process can be … [Read more...]
How to Create Successful Art Exhibitions Using Themes
Enhance The Mood, Increase Attendance, Attract Publicity and Get Financial Sponsorship for Your Art Event You probably already know by now that at one point in my art career I organized many art events in New York City. The venues ranged from such diverse spaces as galleries and artists' studios to major corporations and cultural centers, night clubs, and hotels. I was … [Read more...]
Quick Tips For Writing Your Artist’s Statement
Writing your artist's statement may be one of the most essential pieces of writing and yet the most challenging one to do in your art career. And, as your art evolves, you'll be faced with having to write new ones. If you inquire about gallery representation, prepare an exhibition catalogue, provide material for an arts writer, or apply for a grant, you'll most likely be asked … [Read more...]