When I suggest to an artist client they start an art blog or that they post more often, if they want to drive more traffic to their website and increase their art sales, the response is usually, “But, Renee, what should I write about? I’m not a writer.”
I know that facing the blank page of a blog can be intimidating at first; however, an art blog is a powerful art marketing tool. And, you may be surprised to know that when writing posts on your art blog you don’t have to be a great writer.
This article aims to help you focus on what’s essential in gaining traffic to your art blog. If you need specific direction and help with writing check out my writing services for artists.

Make Google Your Friend
We all know that Google is the king of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Basically, Google wants to satisfy their users and make it as easy as possible for them to find what they are looking for. So, if you provide the right content — namely keywords and keyphrases — on your art blog they will automatically reciprocate and direct more traffic to your pages.
So, simply stated, you want to focus on which keywords and keyphrases Google likes in order to give your art blog a higher rating and drive more potential art buyers to you.
How To Get Started – Simple Steps
Compile a list of keywords and keyphrases which you would like to be found for. What makes your art special? What are the unique attributes? Make a long list of these characteristics.
You already know about this if you read my article Selling Your Art to Your Niche Market.
Keep in mind, the keywords you choose should closely resemble the vocabulary of your ideal customer.
Ask yourself: “If I were a prospective buyer of my art, what words would I enter into the google search box to find me?”
After you compile your art-related keywords and keyphrases you should conduct your own research on Google to see which ones are most popular and get the highest rankings.
Use your chosen keywords and keyphrases often in your blog posts when describing your art. Also use these popular words in the titles of your posts.
Then, every time you sit down to write an update for your art blog ask yourself this important question: What topics do I want to be found for as a result of this blog post?
It’s that simple.
Hopefully, this advice will put you on the path to being a successful blogger and you’ll maximize your SEO.
When visitors arrive on your blog, and then use the link you provide to your website where you store more of your artwork, it’s up to you to make sure your artwork is something they want to buy. That’s another subject.
Need More Help?
If you want more personalized assistance please check out my writing services for artists.
I’ll try to keep my excitement down, lol, I came across you and your fabulous web page of artist informative site by accident. You are the bomb, lol. I have searched for a long time for anyone who had a outstanding informative site and not until now have I found my ultimate resource, I sooo adore you Renee lol.. I recently have a helpful mentor through facebook, but it’s been hit and miss. I hope you and your site can get me soaring off the ground with my art aspirations. Love your passion and intensity. You actually gave me goose bumps and made me even cry with joy, and I’m a guy, lol. Im a aspiring Pastelist in my infancy lol. My father was an artist so it’s in my blood. You and your site is very inspirational.
Kyle, How fortunate you are to have a father who was an artist! I’m sure you learned a lot from him. Thank you for your exuberant comment and kind words. Welcome to the site and I hope you have fun exploring all of the topics. If you’re thinking about building a website so you can show off your pastels, take a look at “How to Get Started With Your New Art Website” to get you in the mood, inspired and motivated. If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to my free email newsletter.