You spend money, time and effort designing your art website, place a bold image of your art on your home page and prepare an outstanding display of gallery images, artist’s biography and artist’s statement. Well done! There is something equally important to consider: What does your artist’s picture say about you on your art website and your social media profile page?
How personable is the photograph?
What does it communicate something unique and attractive about your personality?
Are you smiling and standing proudly with your artwork?
Do you look friendly and approachable?
Or, did you forget to add a photograph of yourself on your art website? Well, it’s not too late!
In this article you’ll see some fantastic pictures of artists I know.
Elliot Appel is smiling and exudes a friendly personality. He stands at his art exhibition showing off several of his paintings. Notice too, it is a clear, professionally taken photo with a good composition
Why You Need A Great Artist’s Picture
- It is important to welcome visitors to your website in a friendly manner and a picture is worth a thousand words.
- Your headshot establishes an instant rapport and makes a human connection.
- The right photograph reflects confidence and professionalism. People will want to know more about you.
- It allows visitors who come to your website know the person and personality behind the art.
- It helps those you’ve met personally to reconnect with you through this picture.
- Your picture on your “About the Artist” page is the next best thing to being in the visitors’ presence.
- A good artist’s picture will increase the potential buyer’s trust which will increase your chances of making more sales and attracting more opportunities.
Qualities That Make A Great Artist’s Picture
Steps to Follow
- Plan it properly. Spend time composing the picture.
- Pay attention to the lighting and color correction.
- Make necessary fixes in Photoshop or another photo imaging software program.
- Avoid background distractions. For example, you don’t want a plant growing out of your head.
- If you’re in your studio clear out any debris.
- Remove pets from the picture unless of course you are a pet portrait painter.
- Make your photograph interesting and memorable.
- Tell a story with your picture.
Shulin Sun is creating one of his unique Chinese brush paintings. Observe the intensity of expression as he creates his painting on a large table and surrounded by Asian influences.
Ideas for Your Artist’s Picture
- If you’re a plein air artist show yourself outdoors at your easel or drawing on your sketchpad.
- If you’re a nature photographer, use an “action” shot of you aiming at your subject.
- At your next solo exhibition have a professional photographer capture you in front of a wall with your art work.
- If you won an important award use a picture of you accepting it from the sponsor.
- Add a caption to your photograph to add more interest and complete “the story”.
- Take the advice your mother gave you before you have your photograph taken: Comb your hair, wear clean clothes, relax, and smile! 🙂
Bren Sibilsky is shown here working on her extraordinary Aphrodite, an award-winning sculpture. Notice how this picture emphasizes the scale of her work. As you can see here, you don’t always have to use a color photo.
I love this action shot of the energized and fearless artist Nancy Reyner, in her studio. She shows off her agility and spontaneity.
Here are some more examples of great artists’ photographs.
As the expression goes “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Producing a good quality Artist’s picture and adding it to your art website is worth the time and effort. I encourage you to do this project and let me know how it develops!
Great article Renee, thanks for that.
Before I came across your article I believed in the importance of artist’s photo in their website. Because before I made my own website and I visited many artists pages, I loved to see a picture of a person behind their works and to kind of seeing that connection.
Hi Leila, I totally agree with you. You have a great picture of yourself on your website and your paintings are extraordinary!