What It Is, The Benefits, How to How to Choose What “Praise” to Use, and More
Creating your art website is a big project with many integrated pieces including your Artist’s Statement, Artist’s Biography, Gallery / Portfolio, and Contact pages. It may also contain an “in situ” or installation page and your CV. If you’re really ambitious you may add an Art Blog and a Shop to the website. After you finish producing all of the main components, it’s time for one more page. You may have never thought of this idea: Add a Praise Page to your art website. When you add some testimonials you’ve received, your Praise Page will be a valuable art marketing tool.
What is a Praise Page?
As you probably already guessed a Praise Page is one that contains brief positive comments about you and your art. This page will contain the positive testimonials you received from a buyer after they have installed your art in their home or office. You’ll add the comments from your biggest fans that appear on your blog and social media pages. You’ll add the best excerpts from published reviews about your art in exhibitions, praise from award-sponsors and jurors, among others.
What Are the Benefits?
There are many benefits to adding a Praise Page. Successful businesses repeat praise all the time because they work as testimonials for their products and services!
On this Praise Page you’re permitting other people to endorse you and your art. It would be improper and embarrassing to boast about yourself in your biography; however, this form of endorsement is quite acceptable and adds credibility to your career.
Your Praise Page will capture visitors’ attention. It will encourage those who are impressed by your art to feel confident about making a purchase. It may be the extra reassurance they need.
If you’re having a bad day or wondering if your art has any impact, your Praise Page can lift your spirits immediately.
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Choose The Highest Form of Praise You Have Received
Your goal is to capture the attention of art buyers, gallery owners and art writers.
An example of an unimpressive praise quote: “Nice artwork.” Tom A, on Instagram.
A much better example “Susan Brown is an exceptional painter who brings poetry and passion for the natural world to her creative vision.” Joe Smith, editor, Best Paintings magazine, Spring 2023 issue.
Another excellent example: “The painting we purchased by Robert titled ‘Sunrise in Vermont’ is the best art purchase we have ever made. We plan to buy another painting from him very soon.” Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Washington, DC
How Should You Design Your Praise Page?
This page should be accompanied by images of your art work because a page with text only may lack visual interest and prevent the reader from spending as much time as you desire on that page, soaking up all the positive claims.
So, be creative!
You could also add images of your awards, pictures of you at the award ceremony, or the cover or page from the magazine that displays your art and review.
You may want to place “in situ” images that display your art in the homes of your buyers adjacent to their comments. If you are an instructor this is a great place to add testimonials from your students or the organization that sponsored your talk or workshop.
Depending on how your website is designed your Praise Pace could stand alone or be a subpage of your About page. A title option could be “Comments About (Your Name)” or “Praise For My Art”. Choose whatever title fits your personality and artistic style.
Get Permission
Before you publish your Praise Page, in some instances, you will need to get the sources’ permission, especially if the quote was not published publicly. If the individual whose quote you are using is a recognized art professional be sure to add their title and affiliation. I often add the website if the quote is from a professional person.
Be Proud of Your Praise Page!
Be proud of the testimonials you’ve earned, share them with enthusiasm, and make a conscious effort to collect more of these treasures. When you’re in the process of selling your art you can refer to the words of praise you’ve received from previous buyers. Keep a copy of all the praise you’ve received close in mind and your heart.
Go to Your Your Praise Page Whenever You A Positive Reminder
Your Praise Page may become one of your most powerful and favorite pages to visit. If you’ve had a challenging day in the studio, received a rejection notice, or feeling less than inspired, this page can be your sunshine on a rainy day.
Can I see an example of some praise pages?
Hi Joshua,
Sure, here is a link to a Praise page I created on this website: https://renee-phillips.com/writing-services-artists/praise-from-artists/
Also check out this article: https://manhattanarts.com/artist-members-share-praise-they-received-for-their-art/
Renee, this is a marvelous post. I’ve kept those “praises”, yet have been remiss in incorporating.
Thank you Very much.
That’s wonderful Vicki! I’m delighted to know that this article inspired you to put those many “praises” to use and share them with the world.