Here are several very popular and valuable articles designed to guide you on your successful art career. In each one you’ll find many key principles, tips and strategies to take you step-by-step through the process. Several of the articles have links to even more resourceful articles. You may want to save this page and return often.
10 Ways to Avoid Art Career Sabotage
You can have the best art on the planet, but unless you apply positive and proactive beliefs and action steps you may not achieve your career goals. Many of the obstacles we face can be attributed to our own self-sabotaging behavior. So, here are 10 ways to avoid art career sabotage. Read more.

16 Steps to Achieve Your Art Career Goals in 30 Days Spending 30 Minutes A Day
If you’re like most artists I know you probably have a limited amount of time to spend working on your art career goals. If so, that shouldn’t deter you from embarking on the journey toward achieving your dreams. As a career coach for artists, and one who is extremely goal oriented when it comes to my own career, I’ve learned when you have a strong desire to manifest something you really want and the right course of action, it’s amazing what you can accomplish by devoting just a few minutes every day toward that goal. As your Artrepreneur Coach I offer 16 tips to help you achieve your goal in 30 days even if you spend only 30 minutes a day. Read more.
12 Great Ideas to Expand Your Short Artist’s Biography
If you are beginning your art career, there is no need to feel embarrassed about a lack of credentials and short artist’s biography. Many of the artist’s biographies I write are for artists who are just getting started in their professional career or returning to it after a hiatus. They have followed the 12 enjoyable ideas you’ll find in this article and expand your art career credentials in a short period of time. Read more.

60 Words or Less: Writing Your Short Artist’s Statement
Your Artist’s Statement usually runs anywhere from 100-200 words. (Read “How to Write Your Artist’s Statement“). After you’ve written that, it’s a good exercise to pare it down for those times when you’ll need to be very concise. If you’ve entered any of the online art exhibitions I’ve curated on the Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS websites you know I have a special requirement not usually seen on applications: I ask you to write your artist’s statement in 60 words or less. Depending on the exhibition I either ask for your general artist’s statement or one specifically related to the theme of the exhibition. Read more.
10 of The Best Sales Tips For Artists
If you visit the more than 120 articles I’ve written for you on this website you’ll probably find thousands of sales tips for artists. In the interest of saving you time I like to occasionally offer bite-size morsels of information with links to further reading. This article includes 10 of The Best Sales Tips for Artists. You may want to pour yourself a cup of tea and relax as you devour them and their related articles, or save this page to return again. Read more.
3 Mistakes That Can Lead An Artist to Financial Disaster
Let’s face it, art school didn’t prepare you for the financial challenges you’re facing throughout your art career. So, you may not know which pitfalls to avoid that threaten many artists’ financial security. In this article I share three mistakes that can lead an artist to financial disaster and share some good advice as well as links to more articles I’ve written to help you with money matters. Read more.
5 P’s to Follow When Writing Your Artist’s Statement
5 “P” Guidelines to remember when writing your artist’s statement. They are: Show Your PERSONALITY; Share Your PASSION; Tell Us About Your PROCESS; Emphasize Your POWER; and Declare Your PURPOSE.
Read more.
10 Steps for Artists to Warm Up “Cold Calls”
If you’re like most of my clients you get cold feet when having to make “Cold Calls” to connect with influential people such as prospective customers, gallery owners, curators, art consultants, and arts writers. Artists tell me, “I know I should be reaching out… following up… making the “cold call”… setting up a meeting… but I can’t motivate myself.” They may say, “I fear I’ll be rejected.” It’s important for your career to build these relationships and making “Cold Calls” doesn’t have to be torturous. Simply follow my 10 steps for artists to make “cold calls” rewarding. Read more.
10 More Time-Saving Tips For Busy Artists
I know you’d rather spend more time in the studio than busy doing other things, right? In all of my roles as an artist career coach, writer, author, and director/curator of Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, one of my biggest daily challenges is trying to be as productive as possible without feeling overwhelmed. To help my clients achieve their career goals, I offer the best advice I know on how to accomplish the most in less time. After receiving so many positive responses to a previous article “Time-Saving Tips For Busy Artists” I decided it’s time to offer 10 more time-saving tips. I hope you enjoy these and they help you conserve time and energy. Read more.
20 Ways to Increase Your Email List
If you want to sell more art, your email list is a valuable art marketing tool. Many artists ask me, how to I get more email subscribers? That’s an excellent question! I have many suggestions. This article shows more than 20 ways to build an ever-growing list of potential buyers. It also includes links to other informative and related articles. Read more.
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