No matter what day of the week or time of the year it may be, there is no better time to start thinking about revising and clarifying your art career goals than now.
In this article you will find several of my best articles to inspire you, and light the flame of dreams, goals, and success. You’ll find a wide range of tips, strategies and guidance to help you propel your art career to the next level. My mission is to help you achieve your amazing, full potential!
Creating art career goals can be adventurous, creative and rewarding. Every day you get another opportunity delve into your deepest desires and formulate new ways to bring them to fruition. As a career coach helping artists achieve their creative, career and financial objectives is one of my favorite activities.
In this article you’ll find ways to increase your pleasure while you plan your art career dreams and goals. I have given these exercises to many of my coaching clients and in my group workshops so I know they really work! Have fun!
Read Take Your Art Career Dreams and Goals Higher

Questions are the driving forces behind knowledge, invention, solutions, creativity as well as personal and professional growth. In my coaching practice I ask artists questions they often have never thought about. This interaction brings light to important career issues and leads us to a place of heightened awareness often referred to as those “Aha!” moments. In this article I offer more than 30 empowering questions for artists to ask themselves.
Read Empowering Questions For Artists to Ask Themselves
When an artist asks me to help them with this type of goal there are many factors to consider. I learn about their art inventory, sales history, business savvy, and level of commitment, time-management skills, among other things. Having this information helps me develop the best strategies for that artist. In this article I explain a few of the powerful steps we took and how I helped her reach her goal in a few months time.
Read How I Helped Lisa Become A Full-Time Artist

When you have a strong desire to manifest something you really want and the right course of action, it’s amazing what you can accomplish by devoting just a few minutes every day toward that goal. I offer a 16 step outline to help you achieve your art career goals in 30 days. I recommend you print this page and refer to it often.
Read 16 Steps to Achieve Your Art Career Goals in 30 Days.
When I help an artist create an art business plan it is one of the most rewarding things to do as an art career coach. I feel as though I am giving them a magic wand to ensure their career success. The idea of creating your art business plan may seem intimidating at first. View yourself as the CEO of your own artistic enterprise. When you create your art business plan you’ll experience a sense of gratification, knowing you’re on your way to attaining your fullest potential. You’ll gain financial and personal power. In this article you’ll see how the process can be approached step-by-step.
Read How to Create Your Art Business Plan.
Today I encourage you to spend time celebrating your unique strengths and unlimited creativity. Anagrams are fun tools to make ideas memorable so to help you achieve your fullest potential I’ve put together an inspirational anagram message to artists using the word C-R-E-A-T-I-V-E. I hope it infuses the rest of your week with energy and positive inspiration and you’ll want to return to it often.
Read An Inspirational Anagram For Artists
You can have the best art on the planet, and the most productive career goals, but unless you apply positive and proactive beliefs and action steps you may not achieve them. Many of the obstacles we face can be attributed to our own self-sabotaging behavior. So, here are 10 ways to avoid art career sabotage.
Read “10 Ways to Avoid Art Career Sabotage”.

For creative individuals, when it comes to staying on course with your career goals, time management is one of the biggest challenges and greatest tools.
Check in with yourself regularly to see if you’re on track. Take a look at your objectives, priorities, “To Do” lists, and time-management skills.
If time seems to evaporate and get out of our control you’ll appreciate these two articles with ideas to help you manage time better.
Read 10 Time-Saving Tips For Busy Artists
Read 10 More Time Saving Tips For Busy Artists
Living an artful purpose-driven life has many challenges. It requires conscious effort every day to overcome human traits and distractions that lure us away from our meaningful goals. In this article I share some things I’ve learned about living a life with purpose and meaning.
It’s good to know that you should have positive and proactive beliefs when trying to start an art career. My wife is wanting to become a famous artist and she was wondering how she can make her art better. I’ll be sure to tell her to stay positive and proactive and good things will come.
Frank, thank you for your comment and for encouraging your wife to stay positive and proactive. I hope she will subscribe to my free weekly email newsletter.