Artist Barbara Rachko has one of the best art blogs that I have encountered. And, as one who visits dozens of artists' websites and blogs every day, I consider myself to be an experienced blog reader. I frequently refer to her blog in my social media promotions with advice for artists as an excellent model. So, in this article "Artist Barbara Rachko … [Read more...]
Helping Artists Learn How to Write it Right
One of my missions as an artist mentor, promoter, and career coach is in helping artists learn how to write their Artist's Statement, Artist's Biography, Art Blog and Elevator Speech. When tackling any of these important documents your goal should be to achieve the most professional results possible. This article is all about helping artists learn to write it right. In this … [Read more...]
Sell Your Art To Interior Designers and Corporate Art Consultants
Professional Organizations and More Resources with Thousands of Leads You can expand your art sales by selling your art to interior designers and corporate art consultants. They are art professionals who have residential and corporate clients. Interior designers and corporate art consultants work with talented emerging and established artists in all media. The first step … [Read more...]
Here Are Many Key Principles, Tips and Strategies to Achieve Success As An Artist
Here are several very popular and valuable articles designed to guide you on your successful art career. In each one you'll find many key principles, tips and strategies to take you step-by-step through the process. Several of the articles have links to even more resourceful articles. You may want to save this page and return often. 10 Ways to Avoid Art Career Sabotage You … [Read more...]
Interview With Artist Nancy Staub Laughlin With Advice to Artists Part I
It is an honor to present this interview with innovative artist Nancy Staub Laughlin who has created a new concept of the “still life”. I've had the pleasure of knowing Nancy for several years and have observed her evolving creativity and commitment to her art and career. The accomplished artist is also a member of the Manhattan Arts International. In … [Read more...]
Interview With Artist Barbara Rachko With Valuable Advice to Artists
Barbara Rachko,, is an internationally exhibited artist, author and blogger. She creates unique pastel-on-sandpaper paintings that are inspired by Mexican and Guatemalan cultural objects. For more than three decades, Barbara has been “Revolutionizing Pastel as Fine Art”. She is represented by galleries in the United States and Europe, exhibits nationally … [Read more...]
The Many Benefits of Cross-Promotion For Artists
When I was a professional artist a major collector of mine, who was a floral designer with a retail store on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, prominently displayed my garden paintings in his store window. The endorsement and exposure he gave me was priceless. He referred art buyers to my studio a few blocks away. To reciprocate, I distributed his business cards to my friends, … [Read more...]
Advice from Artists Who Say “Follow Your Bliss”
If you're living your heartfelt dream as an artist you might be in the minority. Our world is filled with people who gave up on their aspirations and have settled for less. Several years ago I read an article in The New York Times that revealed: “Many of the people who seem to have it ‘all’ harbor dreams about "the road not taken” and referred to a study that claimed among … [Read more...]
Be an Expert in Knowing Your Strengths as an Artist
As a career coach and writer, I frequently surprise artists when I share my observations about their art. Or, after writing their Art Review they tell me I discovered many special artistic attributes they possess that they weren't aware they had. If you want to achieve your fullest potential, be an expert in knowing your strengths as an artist. As you identify your greatest … [Read more...]
Interview with Peter N. Van Giesen With Advice to Artists
Peter N. Van Giesen,, is inspired by “The Eternal Aura of Nature”. For him, the act of creating art is “a mystical process, a spiritual work, a gift to be shared.” I am delighted to share an interview with Peter Van Giesen with advice for artists. His artwork reaches out and beckons the viewer to enter a realm of tranquility and reverence for nature. The … [Read more...]
Do You Know Your Position in Art History?
In my daily activities as an artist mentor, arts writer, curator and director of Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, I visit dozens of websites and view a multitude of online art portfolios. One of my favorite practices is to read what artists say on their "About the Artist" and "Artist's Statement" pages. At a glance, I observe if the … [Read more...]
Let’s Dispel This Myth About Artists
During a recent consultation with an artist helping with her writing projects for her new website she referred to the Edward Hopper quote, “If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.” We laughed and discussed that Hopper was not necessarily saying he couldn't write. The truth is, Hopper, who was proficient as an oil painter, watercolorist and printmaker in … [Read more...]
More Than 100 Tips and Resources for Artists to Achieve Art Career Success
Many artists have told me they love the articles I write that contain many strategies and quick tips available in a simple, step-by-step, easy to read format. In this article, I've selected a few of those particular articles all written to help you plan, formulate, organize and count your many ways to achieving art career success. And, there's more! Each article contains links … [Read more...]
Read About 4 Amazing Artists Who Will Inspire and Motivate You
Casey Shannon, Barbara Rachko, Michelle Endersby and Mary Mirabal One of the most valuable and perhaps best kept secrets to success for your art career is the inspiration, camaraderie and mutual support you share and receive from other artists. In this article you will read about amazing artists who will inspire and motivate you with their courage and perspective on life and … [Read more...]
Advice About Getting Into New York Art Galleries or Any Desired Galleries
Artists from around the world seek my career advice on many different topics, but the most frequent inquiries are about getting into New York art galleries. I wrote several books about New York Art Galleries, reviewed art exhibitions for Manhattan Arts magazine for 17 years, and I gave a 3-hour course every month in NYC, NY titled "How to Break Into New York Art Galleries". So, … [Read more...]
What You Can Learn From Comments About Your Art on Social Media
It's a joy to help artists who want to increase their networking and art marketing skills using social media. There is tremendous value to gain from using it to build important professional art business relationships and connect with potential buyers, gallery owners and other professionals. This article is about what you can learn from comments about your art on social media … [Read more...]