On this website you’ll find several dozen articles and interviews on a variety of topics to help artists achieve their fullest potential. There are some topics that stand out as getting the most visits, being the most popular, and receive the most positive feedback from my subscribers. Here, you’ll find highlights and links to some of the top art success articles on this website.
I hope you enjoy your visit here and reading the articles. If you know of any artists who would benefit from reading these topics please share this page using the social media links at the bottom of the page.
Writing Your Artist’s Biography

Your Artist’s Biography is essential for viewers of your art who want to know more about you. It helps them to understand what makes you unique and tells them about the journey you took to get to where you are now as an artist. It provides prospective buyers, gallery owners, curators, grant givers and writers knowledge about you. They want to know about your career accomplishments before they decide to invest in your art and promote you. The Artist’s Biography serves to provide the reader with a story about you as an artist and learn about your career credentials. It contains much of the same information as a résumé, however, a résumé or CV is written in a listing format and a biography is written in an editorial style.
Learn more about How to write Your Artist’s Biography.
The Truth About Fine Art Agents
Also known as fine art representatives, the definition of fine art agents relates to those individuals who are in positions and have the authority to act on behalf of artists. As we know it in the world of fine art (similar to the world of commercial art) fine art agents function by attempting to sell the works of artists. They may also pursue other income generating opportunities on behalf of the artist, such as lecturing, teaching, licensing and publishing.
Learn more about Fine Art Agents, Where to Find Them, and more.
How Smart Artists Treat Art Buyers
Smart artists have learned how to treat their art buyers. They practice the art of customer service and know the importance of customer relations when selling art. In this article I share a personal experience I had as an arts writer and I include some ways I served my art buyers when I was a professional artist. Whatever your budget, you can make people feel special and they will appreciate the courtesy and want to return.
Read How Smart Artists Treat Art Buyers.
How to Create An Art Patron Plan

The Art Patron Plan is a powerful art sales practice used by many major art dealers. I also know many artists who have used the Art Patron Plan successfully. One artist offers them to finance her world travels. Another artist offers an annual Patron Plan and already has a waiting list of buyers for next year. Have you ever asked yourself, how can I sell many works of art before I create them? If you’re an artist who enjoys creating a series of artwork on a specific theme, is good at meeting deadlines, and wants to gain loyal collectors and financial security, this article has been written for you. You’ll find step-by-step advice.
Read more in this article: How to Create An Art Patron Plan.
Selling Your Art to Corporations
Imagine your art on permanent display in a lobby or conference room of a corporation. Getting your art into corporate art collections is a big career boost. It brings money and prestige and builds your reputation. Many businesses today are recognized for their valuable art collections and are extremely influential in the world of art and business. In this article you’ll find out what the corporate criteria is, how corporations purchase art, how to make contact, how to start if you are new to this, and more.
Read more in this article: Selling Your Art to Corporations
Where to Find Art Buyers
Potential art buyers are all around us. They are the blue collar workers and the people you read about in the social columns. They are people and businesses that will come to you and those you must reach out to. Art buyers come in all different shapes, sizes, professional backgrounds, personalities and origins. Where and how to find art buyers requires a combination of knowledge, strategy and persistence. However, there is no need to be frustrated, confused or mystified about finding art buyers. This article provides 16 ways to find them.
Read Where to Find Art Buyers.
Easy Steps to Improve Your Art Website
Your art website is now more important than ever. In this article I provide some steps to improve your visitors’ experience and interest that will lead to increased sales.
Read Easy Steps to Improve Your Art Website.
How to Grow Your Email List
Having a strong and growing email list may be the most important art sales tool to help you increase art sales and gain other important career opportunities. Many artists ask me, how to I get more email subscribers? That’s an excellent question! This article answers that question with more than 20 ways to increase your email list. It also includes links to other informative and related articles.
Read Ways to Increase Your Email List As An Artist
Beware of Vanity Galleries
Vanity Galleries may be one of the most searched topics on the Internet among artists. I think it is important for artists to be aware of how vanity galleries operate. They offer a “pay to play” game in which many artists sadly lose money, self-respect, time and dignity. Sadly, in recent years I’ve noticed a huge increase in vanity galleries. My articles on the subject have since been republished and distributed to artists around the world in many magazines, websites and blogs. I have also discussed the topic in many lectures and in my private consulting practice. For 7 years I gave a 3-hour course on the topic of NYC Galleries.
Read this article to become educated about this subject.
Selling Your Art in the Healthcare Art Market
Many artists are enjoying the rewards of selling art in the healthcare art market. There are many venues that seek art such as general hospitals, pediatric medical spaces, senior residences, acute care hospitals, surgery centers, medical office buildings, physicians’ offices, rehabilitation centers, and more. Art with positive images are also being placed in treatment centers, spas, corporate lobbies, educational facilities, yoga and meditation centers. If you create art that you think is suitable for this market this article Read Selling Art in the Healthcare Art Market.
I ‘m Dr Aqsa Malik from Pakistan . I want to contact Renee phillips . Need some advice regarding my pubkications and writtings .
Want to contribute abiut art in society.
Hiw can i on international level?
Dear Aqsa, Feel free to write a comment and include a link to your blog or website where we can learn more about your writings and publications on art. Thank you for your interest in my consulting services. I’m sorry, at this time I only offer these personalized art career advisory services to artists in the U.S. and Canada.