Have you ever asked yourself, how can I sell many works of art before I create them? If so, you’ll love this article about how to create an Art Patron Plan. If you’re an artist who enjoys creating a series of artwork on a specific theme, is good at meeting deadlines, and wants to gain loyal collectors and financial security, this article has been written for you.
The Art Patron Plan is a powerful art sales practice used by many major art dealers. I also know many artists who have used the Art Patron Plan successfully. One artist has a plan that provides her collectors the opportunity to purchase art from her world travels. Another artist offers an annual Patron Plan and already has a waiting list of buyers for next year.
If you follow the step-by-step advice I offer, you and your Art Patrons will reap many benefits for years to come.
Prepare Your Art Patron Plan
* Decide on what the series will be for your Art Patron Plan. You may already have a series in progress.
* Choose an attention-grabbing title for this series that will arouse the most interest.
* Determine how many works of art you’ll create for it, the medium, dimensions and completion dates. (Simplify the Art Patron Plan by offering one size and medium for the entire series.)
* Calculate the total income you want to receive from this series based on your desired net profit. (If this is new for you, read How to Create an Art Business Plan.)
* Establish the prices that you’ll offer through your Art Patron Plan.
* Determine the terms of payment, the initial down payment and installment payments you’ll offer.

Approach Your Patrons
* Announce your Art Patron Plan to those who have purchased art from you before.
* Next, inform potential buyers who have expressed a strong interest in your work.
* Invite all potential buyers to join your Art Patron Plan (you can call it another name if you wish).
* Emphasize the benefits they’ll receive by participating in your Art Patron Plan.
* Offer them the opportunity to reserve one of the works in advance at a special / reasonable price.
* Describe the art series / theme and the date of completion. (This works best if it’s no more than a few months waiting time.)
* Share your best Art Reviews and Testimonials from previous buyers.
Promote Your Patron Plan
To reach a wider audience faster try one or more of these promotional ideas:
* Prepare a designated page on your website about your Art Patron Plan.
* Refresh your About the Artist, Artist’s Bio and Artist’s Statement pages with this project in mind.
* Write a blog post about it.
* Send out email newsletters to announce it.
* Send notices by snail mail.
* Announce the offer on social media using hashtags, such as #SueArtistArtPatronPlan.
* Set up a page for your Art Patron Plan on Facebook and Instagram.
* Don’t forget to clearly state the final deadline for paying the deposits to reserve the works of art.
Collect Your Deposits
* Start accepting deposits to reserve the orders.
* Treat this process as you would a commissioned piece: For instance 50% upon agreement and 50% upon completion.
* Decide if you’ll offer zero, partial or full refunds.
* Co-sign an installment payment agreement that promises delivery of completed work and their promise to pay final installment.
Keep Your Patrons Engaged
* Maintain trust by sharing preliminary sketches, maquettes, images of works-in-progress, or even a video of the works in progress.
* Half-way through the completion process invite your Patrons to choose their work of art from your series.
* You can also offer them the option of allowing you to choose which work of art they’ll receive. Your most loyal patrons may enjoy this element of surprise.
* Get the artwork completed on or before your promised deadlines.
Steps to Take After Your First Art Patron Plan Campaign
* Congratulate yourself for completing your Art Patron Plan mission.
* Learn from any mishaps and adjust your approach for next time.
* Don’t give up. Even if your first attempt generates only a few sales, that’s still a sign of success.
* Repeat the process often and watch your Art Patrons blossom.
* Enjoy the fun and freedom you’ll gain from selling your art before you create it.
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Do You Need A Professionally Written Art Review or Bio?
Visit this page for details about My Writing Services for Artists.
Are there any financial benefits for the patron who supports you e.g. tax breaks etc.?
Roger, Thank you for your question. It depends on how to set up the financial arrangement; however, that’s a good question for a CPA.
Interesting idea! Could you have Art Patrons for completed versus “projected” works, somehow?
Yes, Lisa, I encourage you to create your Art Patron Plan anyway you wish. Be creative and customize it to meet your own career and financial goals!