As I’m sure you probably already know the art in healthcare field has been growing steadily in the last few decades. Hospitals and wellness centers have incorporated art programs and budgets for art at a steady pace. Many artists are enjoying the rewards of selling art in the healthcare art market. There are many venues that seek art such as general hospitals, pediatric medical … [Read more...]
Should Artists Place Prices on Their Art Websites?
This article was originally written in November, 2018. Since then we have been experiencing a new set of conditions in the art world, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. The art business world has dramatically changed. Many galleries have closed and an increasing number of artists are selling their art directly. Artists have had to rely on their websites to attract … [Read more...]
Are You A Trustworthy Artist?
At a cocktail party in NYC I was engaged in a conversation with two Manhattan real estate brokers who sell cooperative apartments in the high million-dollar range. When discussing the best ways to obtain the sale of a property over a competitor one broker confidently stated, “It’s simple, really. It’s about earning their trust.” We all smiled and nodded in … [Read more...]
A Single Art Sale Holds Tremendous Potential: What to Do After The Sale
A single sale holds tremendous potential and power to the success of your art career. When you make an art sale, the value of your art is contingent on your ability to continue “the conversation” between you as the artist and that buyer. I recommend that you treat every person who buys your art as a valued collector from the time they make their first purchase. Consider … [Read more...]
When Artists Should Play it Safe
When you’re in the studio I encourage you to stretch yourself outside your comfort zone as far as you want to go. Take creative risks that are challenging and expanding. However, when it comes to matters about your physical and emotional health, career security and financial protection, I urge you to be diligent and exercise precaution. In this article I share some of the many … [Read more...]
How to Get Started With Your New Art Website
As as a curator for online exhibitions at Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS we require that artists have their own websites. Why? Because like most art professionals I believe every artist who wants to be taken seriously needs one. Prospective art buyers expect artists to have a platform where they can view more of their art and read … [Read more...]
Plan For Your Holiday Art Sales Now With Email Marketing – 7 Steps
There are many people who are thinking about what to give as holiday gifts and other special occasions and your art work should be on their minds. This article who help you plan for your holiday art sales now with email marketing. Marketing experts agree more than 70% of the population prefer that businesses reach out to them by email. To help you generate robust art sales … [Read more...]
How to Recognize Different Types of Art Buyers
If you’re an artist or art agent engaged in selling art, have you noticed people have different art buying patterns? It's interesting when you know how to recognize different types of art buyers. Marketing experts have actually conducted a massive amount of psychological studies to define the diverse personality traits of buyers. In this article you'll find three of the five … [Read more...]
Your Relationships With Art Galleries & Agents & The Written Agreement
When a gallery or agent offers you an exhibition or representation, they may tell you verbally what they plan to do for you. It sounds wonderful and you may be ready to take the plunge. Before you jump in head first and deliver your artwork, take time to discuss the details of this relationship. Furthermore, if you expect to have a fruitful relationship with your gallery or … [Read more...]
Stop Attracting Bargain Hunters to Your Art
I see a lot of artists on social media promoting their art using words like "affordable" "on sale" and "discounts" on a regular basis. Or, they offer art beneath the quality of their general portfolio in order to sell something cheap. It is painful to me that they feel a need to undervalue their art, talent, expertise and commitment. If you're promoting your art in this … [Read more...]
How to Stay Financially Secure When You Change Your Artistic Style
An artist I know confessed to me that she had created what she referred to as “safe and saleable” art for two decades. She attracted a loyal clientele and had a lucrative career. However, there was a problem. She no longer felt creatively challenged by the art she was selling. Within the past year she began a new series of work in a different style. Although she was … [Read more...]
Avoid Risky Advice When Pricing Your Art
There will be many times throughout your art career when you'll be offered advice by people who really want to help you. Keep in mind however, even when this advice is offered by esteemed art professionals, it might not be in your best interest. One area where this is concerned is: Avoid accepting risky advice when pricing your art. To demonstrate this point, here's an … [Read more...]
Consider Your Art for The Growing Healthcare Market
Have you ever considered placing your art in healthcare facilities? This could offer you a new outlet for sales and commissioned works of art. If your art fits the criteria, there are many different venues where your art will be welcome. They include general hospitals, senior residences, acute care hospitals, surgery centers, medical office buildings, physicians’ offices, … [Read more...]
You’ll Sell More Art When You Define Your Art Customer Profile
What makes successfully selling artists different from artists who are struggling to sell their art? They know why their art is selling. They know the unique characteristics of their art work and why art buyers find them appealing. They know how to identify their primary and secondary art customer profiles. They will put more time and effort trying to sell their art to people … [Read more...]
Selling Your Art to Corporations
Imagine your art on permanent display in a lobby or conference room of a corporation. Getting your art into corporate art collections is a big career boost. It brings money and prestige and builds your reputation. Many businesses today are recognized for their valuable art collections and are extremely influential in the world of art and business. In this article you’ll find … [Read more...]